...no he's not... he was up at the crack of dawn and there wasn't even a crack..... he's busy making measurements so we can go to our fav store... Revy..... for lumber, plywood and drywall.

Don't need to water today....

Everything's soggy....

Can't even take our pile of rubble to the dump.... it would just be a mud bog over there.....

A small load compared to the bathroom when we took that apart. Check the album in my Picturetrail if you are interested in the bathroom reno.

We are getting pretty good at containing our mess.... after 20+ years of renos I hope so! Plenty of drop cloths. Shake often... sweep up the underlying dust often.......
spooted the bike in the corner :)
:) You should buy some Revy Shares! :) ... Ok, jokes aside ... it will look fab once it's completed. I would prefer renos over moving all the time.
Luv ... Maria
.. are trips to the laundromat on the schedule for the near future then??
How fun to get it all done! It's gonna be worth it. Love your posts.
We have rain forecast, too. Guess we will have to postpone our trip to the beach until tomorrow.
20 years of renovations? Oh my! I fear that could be my future considering how slow we are getting our remodeling done. You all are true work horses.
Hope your weather inproves tomorrow!
Can we borrow some of your rain? Starting to lose plants to drought in Autumn which is crazy :O( (we're on tank water). The progress on your laundry is going really well.. and sounds exciting! Hope you're having a lovely weekend :O) Gx
Me again..I couldn't find your bathroom reno's in the picturetrail?
We're doing our bathroom soon :O)
Over here in the UK, we call your drop cloths, dust sheets! x
Well, the garden always needs the rain and you can get your indoor projects done guilt free! xo, suzy
Gina...come get this rain! It is still raining...and the grass is getting pretty long because somebody fertilized a week ago.... I may need a baler to get it under control by the time I mow!
Whooooo... Lucky you... Re-do....
We had grayte wether till Saterday nite- then gale force winds an heavy rayne! STILL raynin now! (Tchewsday mornin).
YU hav a good watering can. Ours is plastik an fallin to bits.
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