Or, should I call it .... little things...?
A year ago yesterday was the beginning.... does anybody check way back on a blog to see why or how it began? I do. Many times I find a blog that interests me and I do a lot of background reading... What fun it's been with my own...and how quickly a year can pass. Well, that always has to come with some qualifications doesn't it? Some days it seems as though time speeds by and at others...like when we are waiting for something special or important...it takes fooorrrreeevvvver..... but, over all, time does zip past (for me anyway)
Many bloggers say they find it difficult to come up with ideas for entries.... not me....I'm easily amused..... love the little things and seem to find them in every nook and cranny of my life. My days are filled with dozens of them. My personal theory is that most folks, for whatever reason, just fail to notice them. Too busy? not observant? can't see the forest for the trees? plenty of reasons I guess. I amuse myself further by documenting some of my own little things, little thoughts, or little ideas... I've also been enjoying trying to get some good pictures .... or some fun pictures...... whatever the day brings.

Here is one of my latest little things. I am baking my own bread now. For years I had "yeastphobia" or something... I didn't dare to try anything with yeast...who knows why. A blog about bread baking changed my mind.... put it at ease...and now...I love baking bread! Oh, the aroma!! the taste...the real taste of real bread! We ran out of home made last week and somebody referred to store bought as flannelette bread. Hahahhah...good one.
I'm not very prolific with my dolls and bears, (I am a bit lazy... okay, a lot lazy) but absolutely love making them when I get going on one. Sharing the pics and any bits of that learning process has been fun too... who knows, some of it might help somebody doing the same. Here is the latest.. I went to the local doll show last weekend...a lady was selling little babies and even a class on how to do them. I came home and tried it myself. This completed baby was a gift from a British doll maker... mine on the left is...uhm...er.... a bit less peaceful looking. Hahahah.... but it is not baked yet...so there is still hope.

So....that is my little thing for the day.... just breezing through to say "hi"... and singing "Happy Blogiversary to ME!" Plug your ears for sure! I can't carry a tune in the proverbial bucket! Now, I'm off out to enjoy a brilliant, sunny blue sky day.... check out my stubby bits of greenery in the garden areas... do a bit of clean up and see if I can figure what I might like to change with any areas this summer. Last year I was hobbling around with my foot in a cast and so wasn't able to play and dig in our yard.... ...couldn't even mow and I love mowing the lawn! There is plenty of work to be done out there now.... yikes!

And... Mr. BumbleVee is already out there .... having fun raking....so...I'm off. Have a great Sunday everybody!
Checkin' back in with you so I can put a link to your blog on mine someday soon. I absolutely love your little bears. And the baby face you've made... it's precious if not peaceful!
Enjoy your gardening!
Happy Blogiversary! I LOVE the expression on your little ones face - how anyone can sculpt that small is totally beyond me!
Happy Blogiversary to you, happy blogiversary to you...I'm so glad you blog, I wish there were more like you! Pretty good, say what? ;D
Now I love your baby face...it may not be peaceful, but it sure is realistic!
The bread photo came out so well, that I've got my bread knife and honey butter sitting right here ready to go!
Happy Blogiversery! You are much better than I am at expressing your thoughts. I think of things through the day I want to blog about-then when I sit at the keyboard I can't remember a thing!
HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!! I wish you many more.
I think your little baby is adorable.
Happy 1st Blogiversary to you:-) Time sure flies when you're having fun! hehe Like you, I never seem to run out of things to write about or put a picture of...if I don't post it's because I haven't had time, been too busy doing something else! lol I'm so glad that our paths have crossed through our blogging...I always enjoy coming to visit you and seeing what you've been up to:-)
Omigosh, those little babies are just adorable...how on earth do you make those?? They look so real! The little face you made looks just like my Corey when he was born! lol
Here's to many more posts:-) xox
congrats Vee !
with much love from the east coast
xo, S, Winn & Oliver too !
Oh, my, that teeny baby is amazing! And your Pirate below, Fantastic!
Sandra Evertson
Happy Blogaversary!!! We love your little baby face!! Have a blessed day!!
kari & kijsa
oh tulips and daffodils just beginning, how wonderful. Mine are done and gone...so I'll have to enjoy yours for now.
what a great year.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.. I enjoyed browsing yours, and am just in AWE of those tiny babies!
Happy Spring!!
Happy anniversary! I'm with you- I can always think of things to blog about- it's just finding the time to actually sit down and write.
You did a fantastic job sculpting that baby head- hard to believe it is your first! Wow! I look forward to seeing more sculpting from you in the next year.
Hi Bumblevee fwum Wyoming! Dankz foh stopping by mee bwog! Mee yike yo bears an bunneez an dink u dood mayk dum mow!
Congratulations and Happy Blogaversary! I'm a little phobic about baby dolls and clowns but those little faces are pretty cute!
thanks for stopping by everybody and especially for the anniversary wishes....
Happy Blogaversary!
Me too, I go back and read in people's blogs sometimes. And I guess it's time to do so, in my own... some.
Me, in this 'blog incarnation' hasn't been around all that long. But I can still go look back farther, over on Live Journal. ,-)
Happy blogiversary!
Im just like you, I go pokin around in the archinves when ever i find a new blog.
Good job on the bread, it is so much better than bought bread isnt it? Im lucky enough to have a partner who makes bread, we havent bought bread for years. It is now just the normal thing for us, and its actually so easy after you get over "yeastphobia!"
Enjoy your garden.
Well, I'd gladly bake you a cake but maybe you have the market cornered on that, too!!! Happy One year!!
Maybe you can put a candle in a loaf of bread??!!
I'm glad yor foot got better. Happy Blogaversary!
That bodyless bayby is givin me the willies.
Happy Blogiversary!!! Annnnd, look at these wee creatures!! Oh me oh my!!!! Love them, and your bread!!!! mmmmmmm!!!!!
Someone with your talent needs to have a blog. We wouldn't have got to see your marvellous creations otherwise. Especially us people overseas. x
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