It's definitely not summer it is hardly spring weather. Last week there were some really nice, warm summery type days...but this week, not so lucky. Comes and goes ....

Angus, me, Howard.... definitely not this year! No greenery around here yet.
Yesterday it was only +2C at 9:00 a.m. and my old buddy Howard called to see if we were still on for golf. I haven't golfed with my "old guys", as I call them, since '06 .. because as some of you know, I had a broken foot last summer. Still irks me because if I'd had a proper diagnosis in February it might have healed by summer. But, dragged on through 3 doctors, vigorous physiotherapy, pain and my own stupid perseverance..which probably even caused more injury... ' til a Sports Medicine guy got angry at the fact that nobody had even ordered a bone scan prior to treatment. Then we got action. But, then I was also in a cast all summer and after that trying to rehab the foot 'til almost Christmas before I could walk on it with minimal pain. I digress... with some venom.... but, never mind...onward and upward.....back to "my" old guys.
It is not a rude term...honestly it isn't. It is more endearing than anything and they know it. They
are old and they refer to themselves as old. It is a great source of amusement for them....they joke about it all the time. They laugh and say that any game could be their last; they'd rather die on the golf course than in bed, so they better be out there .... and, they are tough old guys...definite keeners. They trudge out there rain or shine. As a matter of fact, two years ago, when I wimped out on a particularly cold and rainy day, they carried on without me. After the game..they went to the thrift store, bought a tiny pair of purple rubber boots, wrapped them up and made a big "whoopdedoo" of presenting me with them at "our" table after the following day's game. The crowd around the outdoor tables thought it was a hoot and had a good laugh...I had pink cheeks...oh, and I never missed a game after that! 'Til .... my foot episode. They called me every few weeks to see how I was and I did drive over just to have coffee with them after a couple of their outings. I sure did miss my old guys. People that age just have a whole different outlook on life... have so much information to impart..... stories to tell... opinions to give and even plenty of questions to ask...I am mesmerized by them for an hour while we have coffee after a game.
We are not great golfers but we still like to do as well as we can. Each of them hits balls at the driving range other days of the week.. I play other courses. We mostly count every stroke (well, it depends if Howard is keeping score... can't say for sure.....he is pretty We play a small course that is easy enough to walk although this year Howard is taking a cart; two of them have had several heart attacks. Sometimes they talk of playing other courses; but, then, say the hills would kill them...hold a hand over their chests and look at each other in all seriousness...then get that twinkle in their eyes and there is raucous laughter. We laugh at each other if we put it in the trees... they tease me if I pound my club head on the ground when I muff a shot... we try to figure out ingenious ways for each of us to get out of trouble spots without standing on our heads.... pretend to be watching a plane if we see Howard "improving his lie" by kicking it out from under the lilac bushes.... toss down an extra Top Flight if Angus is taking more than 5 full minutes searching for his (he is Scottish and proud of it)...then holler at him that we found his ball... some days I laugh and giggle so much my face hurts by the time I get home. Yup, I do love my old guys.
Yesterday, as I said, it was only +2C when I got the phone call to see if I was going to show... I said I'd be there if I had to wear ear muffs and a parka. Luckily, it warmed a bit; I shed my jacket half way down the first fairway. By the 3rd I took off my vest... then my sweater... hey..this was not bad. We all had grins on our faces.. not bad at all. Several more holes and we turned the corner by the dam.. the wind picked up ... a stiff breeze blew over the still solid frozen water.... yikes !! back on went the sweater, the vest and the jacket... I opted not to bother with ear muffs for just one more hole. The clouds rolled in and rain began... a few snow flakes too...we definitely rushed our putts on the last green... practically jogged to the grub shack and ordered hot chocolates all around. I almost wanted some Tia Maria in mine....
What a bunch of troopers .."my old guys". Howard is 90 in September, Angus is 83 - 85 (I can't remember now), and Chuck..the youngster will be 80 soon..then there is me. I first met Howard years ago through a mutual friend in the dental field. She used to golf with him, but was not keen on golf at when I had gone with them twice...she gave it up. Left just the two of us...then we talked Angus, a curling buddy of Howard's, into golfing with us. Another curler, Al, joined our group. Sadly, Al had a brain aneurysm a few years ago and we lost him. So, then, we rounded up another curling buddy..Chuck. I'm thinking I should take up curling.......
I thought they might want to find a fourth guy... but they always said no way. They resisted my efforts to get out of the foursome, so I guess they enjoy my company enough to keep me on. They used to tell me they took me along for my eyes but mine are worse now than Howard's..he had cataract surgery over the winter and has 20/20 ..!! I wish I could have something done about my colonies of "floaters" that are causing me such grief... it is getting tougher to see anything....I am glad they can spot my ball... no matter where I lob it.

Another day...another storm. Tree on the last hole...last year.