Saturday, March 13, 2010

Why is it??

Well !!  that was annoying.  I saved the post I was working on; went away to put in some laundry ... came back to finish my post and lo and behold...there was just the first sentence!  I guess I didn't wait long enough for blogger to do it's "saving" .... sigh.....  You know how it goes.  Well, maybe you have better memory than I... but, for me, once I've written it out I promptly "give it up".   Like water off a duck.  Gone.

I think I was musing about how our homes have stuff all over them.  Know what I mean?  You do if you craft, are artsy, sew or are a DIY'er... even if you have a "dedicated" room for your fun and games ... "stuff" just seems to follow us wherever we go in a house.   Well, I suppose it doesn't actually follow us... we usually carry it around like pets or something.  Although most of my "Stuff"... does have legs...maybe it could be following me .... now I'll be looking over my shoulder!

See what I mean?  My new little bunny.. a leg and a head under Tina's left arm... while the Original Brocade Bunny hangs out for inspiration.  All of it just hanging out on the dining table... and that is just one corner of the don't be saying how tidy it is.  And.. I'm not showing the coffee table, the kitchen table and counters and the actual dedicated room.  And.. oh, oh .., yes..I did buy some new "Point-2-of-a-metre" pieces of fabric.  The smallest cut we can buy from Fabricland..they probably hate to see me show up. And... more buttons.  One can never have too many buttons can one? As if I need any more goodies.  What I really should do is give most of it away.  I'm never going to use it all in a million years.

Maggi, my only doll and bear making buddy, came over for a play day last week.... we yakked, had nibblies and started a bunny from the old pattern.  I know...I'm so lucky that I actually have one person that can relate to what I like to do..other than Mr. BV of course (...who is really my biggest cheerleader  and who does know quite a lot about all of it).  He has had many a great idea to add to my endeavours.   So many have nobody at all to share their passion with.  How I wish airfare was cheap!  What a blast we could all have traveling to visit and play!  In the long run all the airlines would probably make money because they would be flying with full planes instead of making half empty runs...  maybe we should all write letters to them.

I'm waiting for a photo of Maggi's bunny to put here    { ......  }

   ....hers is already finished!  And...really cute.

Here is mine....

Still a pile of body parts.  Poor little guy.. or gal. This brocade is beautiful.. but not very colourful with the off white body. was tricky to sew too... therefore taking waaay too much time on a simple little make.  If I get it finished today...I think I might cut out more body parts ... with more colourful fabric for ears....


Shelly said...

Love your story today...and seeing your bunny made me locate my teddy bear pattern... so now I'll find just the right fabric and get down to work....have a great day...Shelly

Jennifer Rose said...

I wish airfare was cheap or someone knew how to fly a plane lol then we could have one big huge house craft/sew party :)

Dolores said...

All in good time. Looking forward to the finish.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Vee,

Oh yes!... I have done the same, have lost a post and thought I had saved it.
Wouldn't that be great to be able to fly around the world and spend time with friends, doing the things we enjoy. A good plan to write to the airlines for cheap fares.
Love the doll and bunny.

happy weekend

Serena Lewis said...

I haven't lost post content before but I used to hate when I'd type a long comment on someone's blog only to lose it in the publishing process. I've since learned to Copy a long comment before hitting the Publish button. That way if it gets lost, I only have to hit Paste for it to be restored.

I love the colour and details on the brocade fabric...I think it would make for a cute but elegant bunny. I can't wait to see him/her finished.

How great it would be if airfares were so cheap that we could have our own little craft parties. What fun!

Gretel said...

When I am working on my felt creatures I leave little trails of merino wool wherever I go, as it tends to stick to me! There are bigger crimes than having too many craft supplies, if it makes you happy! :)

frayedattheedge said...

I definitely like the idea of cheap fares so that we can visit our blogging friends around the world! My husband got so fed up with my crafting stuff taking over the house, that we converted an outbuilding in the garden into a studio for me .... but things still find their way back indoors!!

Linda Fleming said...

I've lost posts I was working on and it's so annoying! I probably should write my blogs in Word and then copy and paste them into Blogger, but just don't seem to get around to it.

I can't wait to see your bunny completed. I'm sure it will be just as adorable as your bears.

rachel said...

There's something rather sad about that picture of a heap of bunny-body parts! I look forward to seeing the finished creation.... I like that brocade - it's subtle, rather grown up.....

Elenka said...

Oh yeah, my stuff is everywhere. Painting, crafting, and sewing stuff. NO special room for it all. (Man, would I LOVE that!!) And then there's other stuff, some of which I can't identify anymore.
(copied your dumpling recipe!)

Unknown said...

Things follow me around my house too, and I am never really sure how or why!

That little pile of bunny parts made me laugh out loud. Still giggling... hehehehe

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

The bunny is looking very cute! I know what you mean about stuff following you around the house - I have a dedicated room but still manage to spread my craftiness all over the place :)