Friday, March 19, 2010

Dusted ...

...with icing sugar snow overnight.  Mother Nature doing her thing again.  Exactly as I suspected.  It's not the "real" spring yet..... it's been faux spring for the past few weeks.  Some days were even as lovely as summery days..

For all of you who were weirded out by the bunch of bunny bits lying around....I got him assembled!  I gave him a chocolate brown ribbon to bring out the bits of chocolate in the brocade pattern...

ooops.... just a minute...

there... that's better.  Notice the difference? ...... whiskers!!  I had to run off to pluck some broom bristles for him. 

Here he is with pink bunny from a couple of years back... and a couple of tiny bears.  

Posie is totally distracted by the BIG pretty egg...but, I think little Scruffy is a bit worried by the size of those BIG bunnies !

The bunnies are only about 5 inches high seated, which always makes me laugh at the size of the tiny guys.... who are just the size of a big bunny foot....

Next, I'm using mohair for a funny bunny.  Well,... when I got a head stitched up...and this appeared.... it has to be a funny bunny, no?

... and.... here is Maggi's little guy from the same pattern...

She tweaked the legs for a bit more length and made his feet a bit larger... and gave the ears a tweak or two as well ... as you can see.  We put some chenille stems inside the ears so we could pose them.


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Very cute! Especially when they're holding real chocolate!

Unknown said...

SOOOOOOOOO stinkin' adorable Vee! I'm in twoo wuv!

Posie and Scruffy crack me up.

We are having the same thing here. It has been "spring" (I will take the quotation marks off in May. Maybe.) for a few weeks but has been snowing for most of the day today. Whatever - I'm kind of glad because I have to work all weekend so I hope it's cold and snowy until Monday. lol

frayedatheedge said...

Of course you can come and stitch on a bunny - as long as you bring chocolate .....

Serena Lewis said...

The chocolate brown ribbon was just perfect! Your bunnies are soooooo ADORABLE, Vee!!!! I think he is my favourite with his cute little whiskers. Yummy pics!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Vee,

I adore your bunnies, and the whiskers are cute, from a broom, bristles.
Our weather is topsy turvey here too, it seemed to go from Summer to winter on Friday and now today back to hot and muggy and I am in a singlet.

Happy weekend

Twiglet said...

Your little friends are so gorgeous and your photos just tell a story without words! - love them - Jo

Anonymous said...

I love all the bunnies too, this little one at the end is just too adorable. I have never used broom bristles for whiskers before but that sounds and looks like perfect whiskers!!

Jennifer Rose said...

awww love the bunnies :D and that is such a cute picture of the bears and bunnies togther

Maria Vaz said...

Awesome job ... the bunny looks so cute! Broom bristles ... only Vee with her creative mind! We have lovely spring weather here - I like this time of the year, not too hot and not cold. Miss yay!

JudiA said...

Ooh... sorry about the snow. It's hard to take this time of year, especiallyif you've had a taste of spring. I love the brown bear! I would never have considered using brown, but it absolutely suits him. I wish working with fur didn't give me the willies, but oh well.