Opened the patio door (still in my jammies... okay, I might as well confess...I wear them most of the day) to see what looked interesting for the photo "club" ..... oh, look.... lacy edges on the huge snowy overhang on the roof !....
Held up my camera and got this with the close up setting...

but,... decided that wasn't quite good enough... coffee forgotten... on went toque, parka and boots... out with my trusty little step ladder... cleared off the snow on the steps... and clambered up closer ... still wasn't close enough and I didn't dare a higher step....... had to just hold the camera at arm's length....couldn't see a darn thing for the blinding sun...hoped for the best.... "click"...... and this is what I got. There is a fine border of lacy ice all along the snow overhang on the south side of the house because of the melting and re-freezing. It's beautiful...

Decided I better shovel up the few new inches of snow from overnight... boy, if this keeps up it will rival some of our big snow winters from several years ago...

Then I decided to try for a couple of snow pics with some of the gang.....but, my lovely sunshine was fading fast......I think I will try again when it pokes out later. They are not as brightly lit as I want.... I want to see their little shiny onyx bead eyes.... This is Eric...... Eric the Red.....

I was thinking I would try to take a few pics in case I ever get around to attempting some Christmas cards with pics of my bears... most of them had too much snow in the shots to my way of thinking ... guess there will be plenty taken til I get a few I really like. Then I brought them in and set them on paper towels to dry off...although the snow was pretty dry and I just blew on them and most of it came off. They are waiting patiently on their towels in case the sun comes out..... Meet Scruffy ....

whooooops!!! still had my finger on the trigger. Anybody watching this stupid move could easily have held up their judges card awarding me a high 9.5 .... for something resembling a well executed extreme maneuver ... without the bloody snowboard..!! luckily I managed to stay on my feet...but,... I think I might have stretched something I didn't even know I had.... ...............ow!.......... .......

I was just trying to step back to take this one... so your can see how tiny my little guys are..... in the scheme of things....

You do have a lot of snow, don't you. But your bears look adorable in it...quite at home I'd say. wonderful that you were inspired to take such neat pics! I love the sun glistening through melting snow.
Eric and Scruffy seemed to enjoy being models though it's probably just as well they have all that nice fur to keep them warm.
I hope whatever muscle you pulled in your 'almost' fall isn't giving you too much trouble.
Your idea of taking pictures of your bears in the snow is pure genius! What fantastic Christmas cards they will make!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained -- that second "ice lace" shot is SO worth it! Fantastic image.
Cute wee little bears and the snow idea is a great and would make a charming christmas card. The lacy ice shots are very pretty.
Eric the Red and Scruffy are brave little bears to be out in the cold.
Very pretty ice lace also.
I am enjoying your photos.
Each sentence I read, my anxiety rose as I was scared to death the story was going to lead to your falling. Whew- so relieved nothing like that happened! But I have to admit, the photos are stunning. And the pictures of the bears in the snow- fantastic! What great xmas cards those photos would make. I really enjoyed your photos today, Vee.
you had me worried, thought you were going to join the broken wrist club:-) hope you dried the bears off well, Biker Ted hasn't ventured out, just looks out the window whilst wearing his new scarf.
Love the pics. Those darling little fellows would melt the snow or at least someone's heart.
Stay warm and look at all that snow from the good side, when it melts in the spring everything will be lush and green!
xo Susan
Those are cool pictures!
And your bears look so adorable in anow setting!
Glad you didn't hurt yourself! It's so easy to get carried away when photographing bears and to get into the oddest positions for the best shots. Just don't attempt any clifftop shots will you?!
You certainly did capture some awesome shots of that snow overhang! I put my nose out the door this morning to get the newspaper and it was so frigid out there, I got back in pretty quickly! lol At least the sun is shining:-)
Love your little bears, you really don't realize how small they are until you see that picture taken from a few steps away!! Just precious. xoxo
Gosh it must be Freezing there Vee but it looks beautiful. Your bears are gorgeous and I should try some cards for next Christmas, they would be great. Hope it warms up soon for you.
great photos, love the angle there...and the other ones of the bears.
Lovely pics of snow and ice. We have had very little snow so far, but we have had some very heavy frosts with possibly a few casualties in the garden. So pleased those bears were wearing their fur coats when they ventured outside for the photo shoot! Your photos would be ideal for Christmas cards. Wishing you a very Happy New Year, and thanks for keeping up with my blog. x
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