Of course, I always try to do too much for even a simple event anyway...so maybe this is a good thing. I will have to re-arrange my mind... do less... and it will be plenty. Tidy, make quesadillas, chill some wine, .... come on over you guys...let's make it a real party!
So..... I just quickly ran out in my slippers......

cleared a path to our little snow bear...who now has a fine sifting of new snow...but, is also beginning to melt a bit... somewhat like the cake left out in the rain..... looks a bit odd with no eyes and nose ...

the patio chairs never made it into the garage or shed this year.... their new sifting of snow froze overnight..... but, will melt as the day warms... what a great few days we are having here compared to the rest of Canada. They are in a total deep freeze due to a huge Siberian cold front that moved down... only the two western provinces have escaped its reach....

hey look! The BBQ cover is almost clear now.... if this weather keeps up... we could toss a few shrimp on....just kidding for the Aussie girls...we usually don't bother with shrimp...but, we do a mean steak, chops, chicken or burger.....

Enjoy your warm up! And grill yourselves a big juicy steak before the cold returns and snow begins to fall again.
Love those slippers. Hope they have a rubber sole for thise trips outside so you don't slip and fall.
I know what you mean trying to keep up with this challenge-LOL. A couple of times I thought about skipping a day, but everyone else is doing so well at keeping up, it has kept me motivated. I find myself getting into this daily blogging-
I love the slipper shot, very creative! Enjoy your grill out if yu get a chance to have one!!
Keep at it, it's fun to know you are going to have a new photo each day! And it's a way for me to see snow...68 degrees today here...we are "freezing" and have the thermostat up to 78 so we can bear it....ha ha ha ha ha
Good for you for keeping up with the challenge. I knew from the beginning that a whole month would be a stretch, but I'm really starting to get into the rhythm of it, and you all have been so helpful in keeping me motivated. January is usually a really tough month for me creatively.
Very interesting array of pistures today and the slipper on a snow - cool one!
I had to miss yesterday because our cable was down...
Fun reading you and seeing the photos. You description of yourself is a lot like me...yup!
Boy, I really feel you on the keeping up with the challenge. It sounded so simple till you get in the middle of it, but I just hate to miss...like you. You are so creative at finding things to photo in all that white!! I just look out and say, "oh more white stuff and evergreens to take a picture of today."
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