well, I wasn't really talking about them...but, was mentioning to a dragon lover the other day (Jennifer Rose) that there was a sort of "dragon-"y thing in a yard about half a mile from my house. Then, when I drove past there the other day to make sure it is still there (yeh..like anybody could move this thing!! It's huge and must weigh a ton or more! ) It's as big as some cars... and would take a crane to move it.
I noticed they had stuck on deer antlers; added Christmas lights and attached them as reins to some wagon wheels....... looking worse than the Griswold's Christmas over there...

poor thing.... the indignation of it all... I almost feel sorry for it.... if you can feel sorry for a cement critter (or whatever it is cast from)

...looks like it is slinking off behind a tree.......

it dwarfs the house...

I often wondered if perhaps it came from the zoo. Seriously, we have a very big zoo here and it has a dinosaur area... with huge dinosaurs. Several years ago they did a major overhaul of that area...and maybe they got rid of some ...uhm... animals.

I checked with my neighbour across the street as her son is an anthropologist.. who spent time working at the local zoo. Apparently, the guy who lives here decided to give one of the exhibit pieces a home....
Luckily the unusually warm days melted off some snow... or I might have had to take my broom to sweep him off prior to the photo shoot. Imagine me trying to be brave enough to do that...hahahhahah..... then running off down the street with my broom and camera....chortling to myself cuz I pulled it off.
What a mischevious imp you are, Vee! LOL! I laughed at the image in my mind of you sweeping off the dragon and running away after getting your photo.
Wish you had got a pic of the guy in shorts and snow boots! ROFL!!!
It seems like a very odd thing to have on your lawn and the Christmas lights... ok.
that is so cool! I think its great they put antlers and lights on it lol I think its an anklosaurus. I would love one in the yard, but don't think the council would let us lol Hubby wants to weld one lol
I think that's definitely a dinosaur of some sort -- reminds me of a Gila monster, in the face -- at least the poor thing got to be part of the holiday cheer!
That is a very strange lawn ornament and with the antlers.....
oh my......
Wow, that is a huge lawn ornament, I hope they get those antlers off the things head soon and give him his dignity back!! Funny!!
an interesting lawn ornament indeed...sort of like the protector of the home. NEAT! personally, i think the antlers and lights do him a disservice but whatever tickled their fancy, i guess.
Broom in hand and camera - your neighbourhood must be really wondering what you are up to.
Glad you did not have to sweep the snow off.
I would not want that ornament on my lawn!
I love the Daisy cat photo ~ what a cutie.
Hugs Carolyn
Enjoy your weekend.
That might be the biggest lizard I have ever seen...
LOL! That is really funny! THank you for sharing it. I have missed out on all the fun around here lately due to a shorted out power cord to my computer! I'm back up and running now so you'll be hearing from me, LOL! ;)
I think that's one of the weirdest things I've ever seen in a yard...bizarro! Especially with the "Christmas decorations"...haha
OMG I cannot get over the size of that thing and in the front yard too!! The more you look at it and the more you think about it's "antlers" and reins, the funnier it gets. You definetly have unique neighbors. Cudos to you for getting the pics.
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