Judi was asking about a different perspective of the yard the other day. Maybe she thinks it is bigger than it is. Perhaps I've fooled you with the close-ups of all my "little things" in different areas. We live on a corner lot so we do have all sides to play with...but, it is just a city lot size. However, it's plenty large enough for trees, gardens, lawn and a large patio.. with a little garden inside the patio.
Since it is melting and the snow is dirty and ugly (to me it's ugly) ...here is one from earlier this month... patio side...it faces the street, so we built a wall to give us some privacy when BBQ'ing or sitting out there.. one of our neighbours laughingly calls it "ze bunker" ....

The front with a huge blue spruce and some shrubs. This house used to be a square box.. we added the area where the door and windows are..that used to be carport... (actually we added the whole other side and garage too) some of you know this is our money pit...er...renovation project..... and dug down deep under that whole carport size area...to make a storage area the same size... no point in building just one thing was there? ....sigh........... we're nuts, what can I say?

it has melted and frozen each night...this is our alley and the cul de sac road.... it will be glare ice like this til late spring. The nearby busier roads are bare today... but, in a big city, there are just too many streets to salt, sand or clear all the snow.

looking the other way up the alley....... oh, how I dislike dirty snow and exposed old plants... etc... bring on more of the white stuff or let me see the new baby greens of spring... hahahha.... spring is miles away yet for us north of the 49th... ...

...but, look....we have a lovely blue sky and sunshine yet again. That's the thing I love about living here.... big sky..lots of sunshine.... even on the bitterly cold days the sun is usually shining.... ya gotta love that.

looking up through my neighbours tree branches....

what's this? ... hey... new baby greens..... ??
hahahha just kidding...it is old greens..
a rather leggy primrose that will need some drastic pruning this spring.... once it finishes its beeeyooootiful blooms.. oh, just a minute...

hah! found it!.... a pic of it in full bloom last year...
i would kill for a yard that big! the alley looks dangerous to walk on o.0 I would need skis to walk across that lol
I would love a yard that large to and a corner is even better!! Great shots. thanks for sharing your yard with us!!
I knew it would be worth seeing - money pit or no, you have a lovely home. I know spring is coming when the nurseries start carrying primroses and pansies -- they were out this week!
You have a wonderful sized yard! That alley looks treacherous with all that ice. But before you know it, those primrose will be blooming again.
I hear you about the (money pit) renovations! LOL!
Those fir trees sure are pretty. Pines/firs don't grow here and I miss them.
You have a beautiful home, Vee, and money pit or not, you have made it your own in every sense of the word. Ever since my bad fall that resulted in my back injury, I have a fear of falling......that alley looks way too scary/slippery for me to even consider walking across. lol
That a lot of snow!
Blooming flower is just gorgeous!
Look at all that snow. It's wonderful you have such blue skies and great sunshine even though there is lots of snow and it's really cold.
I hope we get snow. I want to bild a Snowbear!
Loved loved seeing these photos and hearing about the carport and...I like that photo with the dirt showing through ...and the primose, lovely.
that was fun!
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