This is a pyramid just across the parking lot from the mall.... oh, alright .. it isn't .... but it is the nearest library. Huh?? ... yeh..I keep asking myself what the heck too... ....

...some architect's nightmare I guess...

..and this is the update that is taking place at the mall...hmmmmm... maybe they are trying to make the new fit the old... kinda retro or something? I'm thinking it looks like a B-grade sci-fi movie space ship.... I think this is going to be the "food court". That's what they call the conglomeration of junk food outlets with their taste tempting delights (I definitely say that tongue-in-cheek) ...ick...

Canada's Finance Minister brought out the new budget yesterday and ooooohhh.... most Canadians are giddy with delight. There is talk of whopping tax cuts .... ... they say we'll have an extra $240 to spend. ..... yeh...right... whopping ..... I wonder what big ticket item I should buy with that? hahahhahahahhaha ....
Let's hear it for Pyramid Power!!! lol The buildings do look a little out of place, I must admit. $240 goes nowhere nowadays with the cost of living as high as it is. :(
Now if they said $240 a WEEK, I'd get excited.
Taken out of context, the buildings look very interesting. They'd be right in place in, say, downtown Seattle, or Montreal, maybe. Not sure how they fit into your landscape though.
That first building reminds me of the Swiss somehow.
I know ye Canadians have very high taxes -- seems $240 is a bit small considering how much everyone must pay of their earnings...
Mary...all of a sudden I get it!! I bet it is supposed to represent mountains...not pyramids. We do live in the foothills of Alberta...Rocky mountains visible in the distance from various positions in the city...aha! that's it... blending in to our surroundings.... now that round-y thing at the mall.....I dunno.....
Hello Vee,
$240 towards your trip ... yeah ... can't wait! Honestly, can't they do better than that?
I went to send a week with my parents ... got back and went through your blog entries. Fantastic! I always enjoyed that trip to the Elbow Falls. It was always so pleasant, anytime of the year.
Luv ... Maria
Great photos. I really like the food court one...
Glad you got out of your PJ's to bring us these pics. Now are you getting dressed today, ha?
Thanks for the tour of your buildings, they are both very interesting but the library just doesn't look like a library does it?
I know what you mean with the Foodcourt having ickky junk food.
Must be the same as over here!
It was good to see your Library and
buildings around where you live - that is always interesting.
Must be good to stay in your jammies on winter days like you are having. Stay warm.
Our gov. tried that- giving every taxpayer s stimulas bonus. It didn't work-LOL! I would rather they take that money and create new jobs for our young people.
As for the building- I kind of like them, Vee. Yes, they are different, but pleasing to my eye. Maybe they will grow on you ;)
Interesting architecture! We have nothing like that anywhere around here -- believe me, I have looked, LOL!
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