.....at first glance I thought I spied a bottle cap or something....

....nope.... ...it's money!!
Remember the snow angel I made back on day two ? I obviously left behind some change from my coat pocket. As the snow is melting I can see it...but, it was so deep at the time it just disappeared.

...oh, look another one... wheeee... final tally..... $5.12 ......
Hello Vee,
From what I understand, when you find money, it means good luck. Oh ... I think you have to pass it on to another person in order for the good luck to come your way. I do remember, when the snows melted one would always find pennies on the ground.
Hugs ... Maria
You're too funny Sweet Vee (distant cousin of the Sweet Pea) ... and that was the most perfect snow angel I think I've ever seen. much love, S, Missy Dixon, Bleet, Oliver & Gus
WHOO HOO.....you're RICH!!! Now, don't go spending it all at once ~ :) Great pics, Vee!
LOL Vee!! That is so funny ;) Hey, that's not just spare change when it's over $1!
I agree that it's lucky to find money, and especially lucky when it's your own!
enough for a tea and a box of timbits (it was when I was there 2 years ago at least :p)
Woo Hoo! You are loaded with money-so much money, you are throwing it around! Time to go shopping- hee hee!
COme see Dilly layter.
Got award for Bumblevee.
This is too funny! May be at the spring time you can find some more :)
What a great find for the day... obviously you were meant to get the money back. :D
So, in your world the "pot of gold" isn't at the end of the rainbow. That is a good thing. There is more snow more often than rainbows! Too funny.
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