The dracena left in a pot still looks not too bad.. this is the pot that had the huge 14 inch high topping resembling an ice cream cone.
The big piles on the sides of roadways are filthy from the water and dirt splashed up by passing vehicles... the main roads are bare and wet..and loaded with gravel and sand. A huge windshield hazard...not to mention the chips and dings on the front of a car.

hey, greenery already... hahhaha..yeh...as if.
It's just the old grass that was under a foot of snow two days ago... and guess what I'll be doing for at least two days in the spring? Raking those stupid mini fir cones from the good ol' neighbour's dirty trees.... Waaaaay too many to whack back over his fence with my clubs.... I'd tire myself out in no time. Raking or running over them with the mower is a much better option.

I've been throwing snow from the patio area onto poor"cupid" perched on his birdie bath shell. It probably isn't really cupid, but that's what I call 'im. Anyway, the snow is about 4 feet deep there...but..it, too, has diminished considerably....
I so wanted to get a start on a project of some sort today, but as usual, it didn't happen. Errands, exercise and baking muffins got in the way. It is obviously going to be a test of my ingenuity to juggle all the daily happenings and still get back to doing some artsy craftsy "stuff" ... I seem to have forgotten how to do it. And, if I can't manage to get all the balls in the air at the same time I'll never get around to any of it will I?
that's quite a difference in the temp for one day. I think you share a common opinion re. melting snow making a muddy mess. i don't envy you the fir cone clean-up.
i think it's a cherub....he looks quite forlorn in among all the snow.
i've had a similar problem with trying to get a project finished....distractions keep cropping up.
I guess that it's so early in the season that the melted snow is just making room for later snows? It's that "ugly duckling" feeling between snows...
I agree there is a lot NOT to like about snow in spite of the beauty it brings in the beginning. I like it best when it blankets the landscape for a couple of days and then melts away quickly!
hahahaha, whack them over the fence with your clubs! That's a great idea and you would be getting your execise in.
I can't believe that plant has survived- what a hardy soul! And look at your poor little cupid finally getting to bask in the sunshine instead of being buried in snow.
I hate the dirty snow too, wow can't believe that plant still looks as good as it does.
I had to go to my online conversion chart to get the fahrenheit equivalents for the celsius temps. Thats quite a shift, -13c is frigid.
You have so many interesting details in you yard -- I'd love to see a wider angle view.
I always thought those fir cones were so nice and but can imagine what a pest to have so many! :D
Like the picture of the cupid in the snow and a little bit of sun!
Hey, send me some of those pine cones. Mine are still buried and I need those to hang on my tree rolled in peanut butter and bird seed. (that was someone's suggestion for me on my blog)
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