North of the 49th, we like to be outdoors in any good hours... unless you are a winter sport nut....then... all year round is outside weather I suppose. I never had a hankering to ski.. riding up the mountains freezing my butt ... .... not really my idea of much fun.

I've been admiring my two beautiful small oil paintings for years. ..... bought them in Victoria when I used to fly there to visit my Mom.
Finally got them framed and then they sat another few years... being admired on the floor in various spots.... but, ... today, we got them hung. Yaaaaaay!
Mr. BV is pretty picky and prefers me to wait for him to help hang things. If I did it I would stagger them or hang them higher or lower than he wants to view them. If I didn't feel like going out to get the hammer from the toolbox..I'd just use a shoe to bang in the nail. What's the big deal? .... oh, well... I don't mind if he likes to level and measure ... they definitely do look perfect when he's done. But... sometimes it takes forever to nail him down. But, .... finally today I said... let's hang pictures and he had no excuse and nothing pressing it seemed. Hah! Handed him the picture hooks.... had the level and hammer at the ready..... et voila!
My seaside vignette.

I want something larger than my mermaid on that corner of the table... something more or less flat but heavier.... to balance the effect.

But, for now... she is part of my display.. although I hate leaving my dolls out to gather dust.

This is Mertika.... a distant cousin of Echlin,
a little elfin doll I made in an online class. A tail instead of legs and she became a sea creature.... shells, seaweed and even some pearls complete the ensemble...

Some of you may have checked out my picturetrail site and will have seen her already. Some people are not as nosy as me and don't hop all over looking at the goodies.... I always laugh when I look at my clever idea for earrings... dainty little snails .....
her face is done with watercolour pencils....
the face drawing was what drew me to the class ... this is one of the first three faces I did after getting my class information.... still love her face....
Our daily photo group hated to give it up we are going to continue, but only do one a week. After feeling obliged to keep up and then getting right into it and really enjoying the challenge.... ... I somehow got energized ... I have also managed to do some workouts daily...and now... feel ready to get on with "something".... I haven't a clue what yet....but.... something......

Perhaps something besides baking which seems to have become my latest passion and hobby... which reminds me.... please check out my latest.. ... Blueberry Coffee Cake... mmmm....