So,............ABC day at Mrs. Nesbitt's again ..... and the letter is "O".
These are not new photos...but they are my own from Christmas time. My "O" word is ornament. It could also be origami...because that is what these little beauties are. Made by folding pieces of paper in order to achieve this particular shape.

This is my favourite that I have made so far. Probably because of the colours; love the teals. It is made from foils and the patterned bit is a piece of gorgeous gold and teal doubled up tissue paper. The tissue paper is a bit fragile to use if not doubled or glued to a firmer paper for a backing. It still needs to fold well.. not buckle under pressure, and must hold the shape when folding is complete.

This gives you an idea of the size.

Oh, look... chocolate box wrappers.... all foil-y and shiny and so perfect. You can also use any wrapping papers...a great way to recycle some of the pretty wrapping paper you hate to throw away. If you have origami papers with tiny flowers or patterns on them, they are lovely added to the mix.

I bought my first little origami ornament several years ago. This is it. It includes proper origami papers with pattern of tiny flowers.

Actually, I bought 3 because I didn't know if I would ruin them all trying to figure out how they were constructed. I still have all 3. That number must mean something... because they are made with 3 pieces of 3 inch square paper. I took one apart and it took me 3 days to figure out how to put it back together again. Each year when I try to make another...it takes me 3 tries to get it right. I don't know if I could explain in less than about 33 pictures and plenty of uhm-ing... how to do it. I have searched for a tutorial on it... came up with this. It is not quite the way I do it.... mine is just what I figured out in my own bumbling way and it works for me.

Look at all the beautiful colours I've made... hahah...then I got really silly...and made some half the size ...ohhh, was that fiddly! They can be made into cute little Christmas earrings....!. String a golden thread, add a bead or two and look how beautiful they are. They are such fun to make.
WOW! Yu ar so clever!! Theez ar grayte an look fun to mayke!
Mummy duzzent sweep up all the ded leevs an stuff from under the bushes, she digs lots ov it in cos she sez it's good fertilizer. Not as good as a small Bear's but enyway.... hehehehe!
So great:) looks so easy when you are making it...
Great idea:)
i admire your perseverance - i think I'd give up before the 3 days were over!
Louis la Vache thanks you for visiting "San Francisco Bay Daily Photo" on this "O" Wednesday! Louis enjoyed seeing the Ornaments!
What an imaginative O!
Love it & the earings...
Oh your ornaments are lovely!
At least you _know_ what day it is! I've been a day ahead this week. Now that is worse still. -moan- ,-)
What an imaginative "O" post today!
Well done.
Artistic O. :)
They are beautiful.
Wow, these are so cool!
And the flowers below, Amazing!
And the bear below that, Unbelievable! He is the Cutest!
Sandra Evertson
lovely darling!
Hi again!
I came back after you made that sweet comment on my birthday post about my cousin in Sask.
I didn't realise you were in Alberta.
And I've concentrated so hard on ABC veiwing I really didn't take in your blog properly - lots of lovely bears!!!
I collect or rescue abandoned lost ones.
But I have a friend who's a serious collector, she has a bear blog too it's...
Best wishes
PS I will be back not just for ABC either.
So pretty!
These are wonderful and unique ornaments Vee! Thanks for the tutorial..my youngest daughter loves anything origami and it would be great to make these together for the Christmas tree! I will just have to buy more boxed choccies now!!! :O)
Interesting.......I am a wrapping papers manufacturer supplier and looking for partners globally. If any one interest please contact me through this website.
It's a problem when a neighbour has a nuisance tree. We have one simply because the crows and magpies choose to nest in it. x
Found them :-)
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