Today I decided to play along with Alice and all the others over at Tea in My Cup. She has a lovely blog Please have a look at all the pretty teacups and pots and, oh,... and don't forget ...she has the best recipes too! Gracious hospitality...
These are two of my pictures that I love with teapots...

Here is my fav little tea pot... a Japanese shape and motif...

It really is quite little too...with matching cream and sugar..and four dainty little cups. Have you ever bought a gift for somebody, and then... because you loved it so much while carefully wrapping it...that you have gone back to the shop and bought the same for yourself? This was that gift.
And, here is my personal favourite tea cup. I am not nearly the lady that Alice is.... I hardly ever use my dainty cups even if I do have some. I look at them from time to time..and, honestly, I love how pretty they are...but rarely drink from them. I just seem to use my white, slim-line tall china cups or a pretty mug. When my Mom used to visit, we would always take out the ladylike cups and use them....but...now.... well, they are hidden away. So... today, I took out this beauty and used it instead. Thanks Alice for reminding me not to hide the beautiful tea cups. I am using it ...just because. Ooops... and I'm being really cheeky; I set it on the brocade to photograph it! Just happens to have some of the same lovely pink in it doesn't it? Think I'll just leave it out and use it .....

What a beautiful tea cup and saucer! Yourtea pictures are lovely, too! Thank you for sharing this dear post with us. Isn't this blog-a-thon fun?
Have a lovely Spring week!
Love the pink on pink...that brocade is getting around!
Your Japanese set is lovely, too. And, yes, I have had that happen to me where I either just kept the gift or bought another. So often we're buying someone else what we enjoy anyway. Not good I suppose.
Thanks for joining us all!
Your favorite cup is wonderful. I really like it. I too enjoy your two pictures with the teapots. Beautiful. That's great that you followed through and went back to buy yourself the set you liked so much. Enjoy...
Now all you need is some yummy biscuits!
Hello! thanks for joining in the fun and sharing your beautiful tea-decor, how beautiful it all is.
Kathi :)
No ABC Wendesday ... I'm worried Vee. Did you get all caught up in the assisting of Red, I mean Greg, with his ongoing home improvement activities ?
Hope all is well west.
love from wintry NS, Oliver says mew.
xo, S & winnie Dixon.
I love cups and saucers for decoration, but must confess I always use mugs. I drink tea all the time, so a delicate cup and saucer would probably get broken with the frequent use! x
Your tea themed pictures are very charming and I love the teacup in the last picture - it's very pretty and romantic!
Everything you showed us is so beautiful, I love it all
Oh loved all the teapots and teacups.. I will have to take a looksie at that blog.. thanks for sharing and miss our chats!
Hope all is well there!
Hugs, Linda
I think you should treat yourself to another gift of using that precious tea cup! Lovely prints!
That's the mark of a great gift - when you would like to receive it yourself! Your pink teacup is much to pretty not to be used - enjoy.
Your teacup and saucer is lovely.
oooh can't wait to see your pink bunny Vee! Hugs, Linda
What lovely teapots and cups you have!
Love your pictures, and your teacup is beautiful! Glad you joined in the fun!
Hi again! An award awaits with no strings attached!
Thank you so much for coming to see my collection :) Your tea cup is absolutely precious and I love those pictures too!
rue :)
Oh those tea painting are lovely!
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