View from my kitchen window this morning.. are those chairs holding hands? ...

It began to snow around 5:30 a.m.... everything was dry as a bone then....

.......3.5 hours later....we have almost 9 inches and it's still snowing... ...I stuck a ruler in to the snow on the patio chair to prove it... don't want anyone thinking I exaggerate.....cuz, some folks think I have the knack of making a story a bit more interesting in the telling....

...the gas lantern has a top hat ... or maybe it is a huge "bowler"...

awww, look... a couple of frozen love birds..
and somebody else looks a bit shocked at the situation too...hahahhaha

hey!! a little help here please.... snowflakes... ack!!

.....just a minute...don't forget poor little me. Come back!! Pleeeze?..........

a chunk slid off the BBQ cover.... now we can see depth.... guess we won't fire that up for awhile.

We could pretend we live in the deep south.... and those are really cotton balls.......

It is pretty wet,..I'm not even going to bother shoveling... it is only 0 C.... and supposed to be +20C by Sunday....people can just darn well trudge through it 'til then.
UPDATE:.... it melted a bit...but then at 4:00 p.m... it was almost a white out....huge, fluffy flakes.... and now...we are on tv. Record for this day... about 10 inches I guess.... 25 cm.. I think they said. It is tapering off now... and moving on to other areas of Canada and folks who are hunkering down as they know it is on the way... stay warm SweetPea...

Wow! You got snow eh? Well my SIL will be cheesed off...she was hoping for a break from the dreadful weather we have been having here!
Bet the little fella is glad he didn't get caught up in any bad travelling conditions eh?
Oh dear...that looks...awful! Good day for tea and muffins. I hope you've let Elmo come inside...and given him a muffin, too!
'Twill all melt in a twinklin'
I'm practicing for sonnet writing. :.
It's always disappointing to see the white stuff again when you thought it was over and out, but you sure know how to make it fun. Now where's Elmo?
great photos Vee ! I felt just like I was there hanging with Elmo.
Sunny and spring-like out here on the other coast. xo S & Winn
ACK!!! We're getting that snowstorm warning as I type this...waaaaaaaaaaa!!!! They're saying 4 to 5 centimeters for here but hopefully it will be 0! lol Gosh, I can't get over how much you got..sure does look pretty though. At least when we get snow like that at this time of year we know it will be all melted soon:-) xox
Brrrrrr, chilly pics! Fun pics too ... made me smile, thanks Vee!
Oh My! Did you want to set that record? :) Love all the photos with elmo (a great contrast against that white stuff) We are suppose to have a very hot weekend. Some places into the 90's in Southern California...
Oh my! So much snow in April? When does spring finally arrive in your area? You must be a hearty soul to deal with these long winters you have. Being the cold and snow wimp that I am, I'd never make it thru one of your winters. I hope spring finds you soon and brings you lots of warm and sunny days.
Oops- that was from me. I keep forgeting to log my dog out of her blogger account-LOL! Duh!
But your door is beautiful! I love it! Sooooo pretty.
But the snow.... Yish... -sigh-
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