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Today is "N" .......I chose needle ... .. so I'm showing a few pics of my fun hobby...stitching small bears with needle and thread. Here is the latest little guy I just finished. If the bear is small.... under 5 inches, I do the whole thing by hand. If it is over 6 inches I sometimes try to do a few pieces by machine...but, still do the head, foot pads and ears by hand. If the fur is ultra fluffy, like this stuff...I find it easier to do it all by hand.

This is the bottom of a leg and foot... all the fur must be tucked in out of the way before attaching the foot pad. This is a strange faux fur with some very long outer "hairs". It was a cushion cover that I bought on sale and took apart... silly as a cushion..but, great as a little bear!

In order to keep the fur out of the way while using my little needle to do the tiny stitches, I use many clips to hold the paw pad securely to the bottom of the foot while I stitch around it. It is a bit awkward working around them...but speed is not of the essence.....perfect stitches are....and each stitch is only about two of those teensy squares (squint hard and you can see them).. I don't want things slipping and sliding while trying to keep stitches neat.

Once the pad is stitched into place... turn it all right side out and there you have it...foot pad... and all the fur pointing in the right direction. Needle work complete.

His nose is another type of needlework... embroidery...
it is a smooth satin stitch.. stitches done very close together and keeping them all the same degree of tightness in order to form a satin-like finish. Noses can be tiny or large...and many different shapes... depending on where or how I place the stitches with my needle.......
That was a Sharp one!
Oh, sorry, couldn't help myself. It was really a nice and instructive post - with a very cute result.
Wow! The detail and care you put into these are wonderful.
I am lucky to be the owner of one of your little fellas and I am in awe of the beautiful workmanship.
Happy ABC Wednesday!
Cute little bear! :)
You must be very patient,
clever and talented.
What tiny little stitches with your needles. Your bears are wonderful! I chose N is for nummies. What's that you say? Click here to find out. - Margy
I thought of needle but didn't use it. Cute bear, great work.
So interesting to see your work up close. I'd never have the patience for it. The bear is, of course, beyond adorable!
The needle is a crucial implement for our creativity. Your bear is a delight.
What an NEEDLE artist you are, its really facinating what you showed here!
Thanks for showing your N My N stands for "nothing Nobody here" Visit me at : www.joannwalraven.blogspot.com
What a Neat choice.
Really enjoyed it & loved the finished result.
You are very skillful with your Needle - that wee bear is sweet!
Oh! I really enjoyed reading this and seeing the photos. I have a bit of a collection of bears and also one named "Rufus" (noticed the photo on your side bar) although he looks totally different. Good job today! :D
I see your needles have a flair for the artistic!
What a great bear.....and that is one tiny needle......what a lot of work....great post.
My ABC's are up~
Neva ABC 1
Neva abc2
What a great N post! Very good photos too.
Ooooooooooooo! OUCH!!!
I hope yu let yor Bears hav a wee dram ov whiskey befor yu start stitchin!!!!
You make it sound so easy Vee. I wish I could do that kind of work. I dont have the talented eye to do 3D work. This little guy is super sweet and that fur is so unique.
He's adorable! You have lots of little clips - I have as many clamps! Can't live without them! I think I need clips now too tho'.
oh my but he's cute!!
The bear is so cute if totally forget about the N... Love the neat bear!!!
Petunia's ABC
I'm truly in awe of the beautiful work you do with a needle! You make it look so easy but I know it isn't! lol I do hope all your snow has melted again by now...it's been so beautiful here but now they're saying a cold front is heading our way and we may have snow...UGH! I think I'll cry that day! lol xoxo
Hi and thanks for Your visit on my blog! What adorable things You make! I have planned to learn to make a bear or a doll (You should see all the stuff I´m stashing for my "future" projects..my husband thinks that I´m beginning to have to many future projects!)
It will be fun to attend Donnas swashbickler soiree!!
See You there
You really are so talented, and your projects are so professional. You must have great eyesight to be able to do this intricate work. x
Oh my gosh, I didn't think bears could get any cuter than Rufus II but I think this little guy you've just created is pretty darned close. He's gorgeous!
N must be for 'no way'! I can't even imagine how you do this.Luckily for me, there are people like you who make fabulus creations that we can buy!!
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