you know the old saying, right? ... "make Lemonade"

Well, my response is always... hey..lemons!! I can use those..... for Lemon Loaf.... or Lemon Blueberry Muffins.... or my sister's Lemon Squares... or.... well, anyway.... there is absolutely no shortage of what to do if I am handed lemons or find them hiding in my crisper. What?...it doesn't mean literally?..... oh...........well, so what? Let's make 'em anyway.

Lemon Cranberry (or, Blueberry) muffins. When I heard that Tim Horton's was coming out with lemon cranberry muffins, I absolutely had to try one because those two flavours together?... all I can say is YUM! Ran out to my car with my lovely coffee and a muffin as soon as they began to sell them... ready to savour each bite in peace and quiet... yech! I couldn't believe how awful it was. Store bought muffins...ptoooey. Tossed it. What a shame. Home I went, and over the winter, perfected my own. Then, I also tried them with blueberries... Yeah... I know I'm a bit of a nut case.. but I do love a great muffin. ...and if you do as well... check out my recipe some day. My Lemon Blueberry muffins are pretty darn good if I do say so myself; and I'm cheeky enough to do just that.... They get great comments from anybody who tries them and I even have people that call to order a batch every so often for their own freezers, so, they must be pretty good.
Check out all the other folks and their word for Wednesday...today is the letter "L" .... and it stands for Lemony goodness here at the house of bears....

Hey V! Wonderful post.Just added you to the Blogroll!
The little fella arrived....he's having a sleep right now.
he's happy!
I didn't know the letter today was "Y" for yummi!!!
Anyway it's a great post:)
Petunia's ABC
Wonderful L's and very nice photos:)
Have a nice week:)
Lemon muffins? Never tried? Blueberry muffins - great! Lemon and blueberry muffins - any to spare?
hey runee....always lots of muffins around here..... stop by with your backpack anytime in your trekking...
Appetizing sweets!
Nice and vivid colour in the first picture!
French people were first shocked by the Pyramid, but now they have been used to it and I think they like it's style .I do love it .
The entrances for the museum have been increased thanks to DA VINCI Code!
Miss Yves
Lemon Blueberry Muffins are next on my list of things to bake! They look scrumptious!
Hello - I am visiting from CC - Six Months of Settled. The bear you made for her is so cute!
And I love lemon blueberry muffins - I will be back to print off that recipe.
have a great day!
Lemons nice with pancakes too.
Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind commwnts.
MMMMMMMMM please give me a muffin!!!
Enjoy your muffins! :)
Good L post and nice pictures. Yummi!
Oh those muffins look so yummy, thanks for stopping by for a visit...
You asked about my moms bed doll, well yes she made it from a mold we poured and painted her from scratch and sewed the clothing from an old dresser scarf, and if you like to see more about my dear mom we just found out her home is featured in this month Romantic Homes, what a surprise! We had no clue her God daughter Corey Amaro wrote an article as a surprise for my mom....Nice meeting you Bumblevee
Pinkie Denise
Oh no! Why did I come here? I shouldn't have come here. now I want one of those so bad. It looks so yummy. Fun L and at least you gave us the recipe... :)
I will definitely be trying your Lemon Blueberry Muffins recipe!! I've tasted Tim Horton's Lemon Cranberry but haven't seen the Lemon Blueberry ones yet...will ask if they'll be coming to our area soon. Thanks for the warning, though, that they're not that great! lol Much prefer homemade ones anyway:-) xox
Tim Horton had a bad muffin? Wow!
Now I'll be snagging this one because if you worked on perfecting it all winter long, it's got to be great! And I notice that you're not pulling a "HumbleVee" on this one. ;>
Rufus II is so cute, Vee. He's going to be a world traveler here soon. Have you ever thought of sending one of your little creations on a world tour via your local third grade classroom? It would be so easy and inexpensive for the schools to ship a wee Vee bear around the world. Fun, too! (And, you could document the trip right here! Sorry, I still think like a teacher.)
Pea...if you've had their lemon cranberry ones...that would be the one....they probably don't make the other. I couldn't remember if it began with blueberry or cranberry... so I must have got it mixed up... and now...I just change the fruit to make either... some people like them... but I am picky with my goodies. I always figure if I am putting those calories and nutrients into my body...I have to really like them. It's kind of like chocolate..if I eat it...I like to splurge and get the best.. only do it a few times a year......
yeh, Vee.. not humble on my baking... I really do like my own.
Never thought about trying that with a bear... could be interesting...I know nothing about what goes on at schools these days except that kids run out in front of my car in school zones every time I drive by one....
Oh, come now, you have my mouth watering!
Ooh, you wicked woman! I'll be gaining pounds just reading your post! Is it possible to taste those things in a virtuously virtual way, without consuming calories?
PS, love your lemons.
Yummy - I'm off to make some!
Yeah, store bought stuff. Yish! 'Tis enough to make even me, want to set foot in my kitchen. -giggles- And your lemony muffins sounds yummmmmmmmm!!!
I am realy late to comment on all ABC Wednesday's! I like your lemons!
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