No time for postings now that I am busy trying to finish up Lotus Lady ......and I think I have become snub nosed from a week of keeping it firmly against the doll making grindstone. I know there were many hours and, yes, even days when I could have spent more time on her during the past two months. would I do that? Here I am again.... down to the last week of time. Although..having said that, I am glad that I did not just whip up some clothing during the first few weeks or I would not have had the great ideas I now have swirling 'round in my head. It is only in the last two days that it is really beginning to come together and I am able to "see" how I want her to look. Now... can I take it from in there to out here and make her as I imagine her?
At least her body now has arms and legs....her head is well secured....
I am using paper towels for draping and making patterns for clothing.
Still deciding on trims, complementing colours, fabric for shoes etc ... .... It is great to look through all the lovely trims, ribbons and other goodies .... I always forget what I actually do have in between dolls.

May I also say that those shelves are not "bowed" like they look in the photo ... those are sturdy shelves and those boxes are pretty lightweight.
Here is an idea for 66 metres of beautiful Indian ribbon .... have fun untangling it and then..roll it onto a paper towel roll ..... keeps it nice and tidy.

'nighty night...........zzzzzzzzzzzzz
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