I love to draw eyes ..... not that I am any good at drawing .... but I do love eyes for some reason.
Anyway.... I am looking for something. Am putting out an APB here. I know that you are out there people....and I need some help.
Two days ago I stumbled onto a blog from some other blog. I am like a frog ..... what am I saying? I am a frog. A blogfrog. LOL. I often go to a blog; see the blog list they visit; pick an interesting looking name and go to that one also ... and on ...and on ... til I have absolutely no clue how I found something I thought was interesting. Sometimes I am clever enough to remember to Bookmark the page ... but mostly..... not. I often think I will easily be able to find my way back there as I usually visit several fav blogs from time to time to catch up...and expect the "found" blog to be visible...... but, again....NOT! Darn it.
Okay...so...any sleuths out there? I stumbled upon a blog that was a crafter, of course.... and she had been making these nifty little outfits from scraps of fabric...but were kind of like little outfits for paper dolls. I think she was making them for a swap but can't remember for sure... her first one was a little pink and black creation... then she said she had no inspiration for a second...so pulled out some old patterns...and she had made a great little collection emulating the pic on the cover of each. I wanted to find my way back to her blog.....waaahhhhh no luck yet. Any of you been to this particular blog and remember the post? Anybody ????
Can't help with the blog you're looking for but I think the eye is great! I like drawing eyes also. Eyes and lips.
Hi Judi
yes... that is me too! funny hey? always practicing lips and eyes on all sorts of fabric bits. I usually only do the right eye as well, probably because I am right handed?...
How neat! Anytime I sit down and doodle I end up drawing eyes.
Love the drawing of the eye- I am always drawn to eyes- peoples', dolls', animals'.
I can't help you out with the blog- I don't think I have ever visited that one. But I know what you mean about losing track of where you are and how you got there, when out and about blog hopping. I bet you bookmark it when you find it again! LOL!
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