That saying about if you don't use it, you lose it? .... well, it is so true! Gone for only one week and today I can't even get into one of the forums to which I belong ... can't remember my password. Then... had to stand in line at the bank... because, for the life of me.. couldn't remember my PIN number to use the bank machine. Hmm.... what else? I know there was something ... I feel like this little guy...must get up to speed.... must get up to speed...........
Thought I would get something done on my last thing ( a poodle ) that I hope to complete before the Bear Show on Saturday...but... hardly touched it. Too much to do catching up on mail, phone stuff, appointments and restocking a 'frig and freezer...etc. All the un-fun but necessary stuff if you know what I mean.

Ain't it awful to come home from a small farm that I took to calling my Dude Ranch ...... with six cats to pet, chores to do... horses to feed and groom, etc.... and try to get back into my own routine; which is not a routine at all.
Here is beautiful Tiffany; and me below with Suzie ... a lovely Arab mare of 29 years and still pretty spunky!

Hi Vee!!
I just love your wee bears! I've had a look at your other site too and I think you will do really well at the show.
You get nervous each show, I must say. I find that when I am setting up I tend to get the shakes, except at the last show 'cos I was soooo mad when I was setting up, that kept me going! lol There were so many things wrong with the venue it was really annoying!
Just think of it as a good day out. Fun to be had by all, it doesn't matter if the world doesn't fall in love with your bears. We can't please everyone, I have sure learnt that! I just love hearing the kids cooing over my work, so sweet.
Best of luck to you my dear! Let me know how you go!!
Hi Liza...thanks for stopping by the blog!
tx too for the encouraging words and yes I will try to keep it just that for my first show.... a fun day out and getting to meet some fellow bear and doll makers. I will definitely let you know how it all goes.
So sorry to hear that your last one did not work out so well.... that would be a bummer. After all the planning and making.... ooooohh, not good!
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