Darn, darn, darn...or... well...maybe it is yipeeeee after all !!
Some of you regulars will remember the day we all thought up ways for Pauline to either repair, or use to advantage, a small tear in one of her bears. Check under label "bear repair". I remarked that I did not have a poodle or bichon in my collection and that perhaps I may even have to intentionally poke a hole in one so that I could keep one. Erm..... well...... this pink poodle will NOT be sold at the Bear Show.
I didn't even notice til after I had jointed head to body that there is some pulling apart of fabric at the seam under her nose. Must have stuffed her a bit too firmly. Oh, well...like I say... it is either a "darnit" or a good thing. I am actually happy to be able to keep one for "show and tell".... although it could have been one not needed for an upcoming show couldn't it? It is difficult to explain any of the bears and dogs to folks if you have nothing to show except a picture. I like to see the real thing myself...and I am sure others do as well. So, today..... make up a new head and try again.
For the second year in a row, a silly robin made her nest in the Virginia Creeper that is all over our neighbour's wall. Well, I am guessing it must be the same bird anyway..... and yesterday...the whole vine fell off the wall...same as it did last year ... at or about this same time. It gets too dry..our neighbours have never heard or watering or plant care......and then the sheer weight of it when much of it dries out just brings it down....nest and all. They all fall out of the nest. Aha! "When the bough breaks" !! Finally, I remembered the nursery rhyme it reminded me of....Rock a bye Baby! .... couldn't think of it for luv nor money earlier... it took going out into the blistering sun and picking weeds for an hour. And, all of a sudden...it came to me!
Now, I am out there all day it seems; guarding baby robins ...in case a cat or something shows up that could harm them. These are the second batch of the summer...and they are pretty big babies........ very big and plump in fact...and loud too when they are cheeeeeeeping for Mom. ..... but can't really fly much yet. They jump up off the ground and flutter a few feet if I walk too close to them by mistake as I did last night trying to nip off a few old peony blooms and tidy in the garden a bit while sort of watching out for the babies. I never know which bush they are hiding in when I go out there in the morning. It is soooo hot right now too and they must need water. Finally...this morning..... I see that a very patient Mom has managed to coax them around to the big shady spruce tree in our front yard and they are right next to the birdie bath which I always keep nice and full in this heat. I hope they can hop up there soon....it is not high so they probably can...just have not seen one in it...yet. But..I am keeping a beady eye on them and listening through my open windows for any ruckus if something dangerous shows up. Two years ago they would not have stood a chance with the killer cat that lived across the street. We do have city bylaws against cats roaming... but he was never kept home. This was a huge cat that even suckered in people out for walks...he would go to them..roll on his back..they would bend to pet him and he would launch himself at them! I can't even tell you how many people I saw jump straight in the air with a cat attached to their arm....... can't understand why nobody complained except me. Well, he finally got his comeuppance. We found his remains in a yard down the block when the snow melted that spring and since then... there have been no more horrible murders of baby bunnies and robins in MY yard! I am not sure the neighbours believe that Oliver was killed by a coyote.... seeing as I had made threats out loud....
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