Here is my latest little guy. His name is Lucky. His fur is a flattened, matted type of mohair. Inner ears, paw and foot pads are cashmere. He is 7 inches. His little fabric scrap scarf may be changed at a later date ... but for now ... he likes it.
Tomorrow is parade day for the Calgary Stampede. It is gonna be a scorcher too...ick... poor animals and people too... +35 C is the forcast! Definitely not going this year with the cast to drag around. It is too tiring to hobble for very long. Throws my gait off totally and my other hip takes a beating. If you want to read more info..just Google Calgary Stampede and you will see plenty!
....... 10 days of silliness, rodeos, pancake breakfasts on every street corner downtown and also at every single mall parking lot.... everybody dresses like cowboys or their version of one.. (places of business expect staff to dress the part) Plenty of free entertainment outside the stampede grounds... and then there is also paid admission to the huge fair grounds. That does not include the rodeo or grandstand shows..those are extra... but usually well worth the price. I like to watch the chuckwagon races on tv each night and also cheer on the bulls in the bull riding competitions... we laugh at the way the announcers call it as the rides continue.. Bulls 6...Cowboys 0!! Always lots of edge of the seat stuff in that arena!
There is a very large craft and photography building.... I like to see the photographs that are sent from all over the world. They are absolutely amazing. The number and types of crafts are so varied...almost too many, but I am sure everybody loves to see their goodies displayed as do the doll and bear makers. I have entered bears and dolls in various categories in the past and won a few ribbons... but this year opted out.

This is Leonard...he managed a third place rosette ribbon a couple of years ago.....

But, I have to show you this. Scruffy was my entry for the needlefelt category the first year I entered anything. He is barely 2.5 inches tall...not even as big as the centre of the rosette he got...for first place! That was funny.
Somebody had a real sense of humour in the display too.... if you look reallllllyyyyy hard... down on the bottom shelf...between that big ol' horse and that doll in white???? See that little brown bump on a green bump? The bump with a blue ribbon in front of it?.........yup... Scruffy!! on his very own teensy weensy pedestal. Oh, did I laugh when I saw him! He looked so cute.,,well okay, I sort of thought he looked a bit frightened too...
That Santa above and t

:::::::weather update...... it is now only supposed to hit a high of +29C with thunderstorms
Awww! Lucky is so sweet looking! Sorry that you'll be missing out on the festivities this year... they sound like a blast! But I agree... with that cast it wouldn't be so much fun...
Trying to leave my comment for the fifth time. I'll get this right yet.
Love the pink guy.
Hey Laura... yeh...and I dont' really want to be washing off horse pucky when I get home either...
Hi Vikki!! welcome to the "blog party"!! Glad you could make it. Oh, but now... the rest of the gang will be wondering... which "pink guy",,cuz you are the only one that has seen it...hahahah... that'll get 'em going. I will post a pic later today... off to get grub, gas and eye drops....
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