I've been tagged by Carolyn of Draffin Bears. Normally, I don't like to go through the "doing" of tags.... but, decided this one would be perfect for the time of year. Of course, we had snow again today..but, normally we begin golfing any week now. Last week it was +21C one day... but, now the bottom fell out...so perhaps next week guys?
The rules for this tag are:
1 Go to your documents/ pictures
2 Go to your 5th file
3 Go to your 5th picture
4 Blog about it
5 Tag 5 people.
Soooo... let me tell you about my boyfriends in this picture....
I golf with 3 "old guys" ... and I do mean old. They even refer to themselves as that, or as old farts... and they are quite a bit older than I am, but they let me play with them. I met Howard years ago when I was doing massage therapy and he came to my clinic. The others are friends of his.. and now...very special friends of mine also.
They tell the other old guys at the course that I'm their token "blonde chick".... or that I am the "eyes" of the group (even if they have had laser surgery and see better than I do !) ...or they say I have to be there to crawl under the trees to get their balls because they can't bend over anymore... (which is often true because they do spend a lot of time in the trees). We play a small 9 hole course every Wednesday morning about 10:00. It is great fun and let me tell you, I don't dare wimp out because they all show up, rain or shine...we've even had snowflakes on some rotten fall days. They give me a bad time if I try to find an excuse not to go. One time after a really horrible rainy day.. (when I didn't go.. just "knowing" they wouldn't be silly enough to be there...hahahha)...they all went to the thrift store and bought me some cute little purple and pink gumboots... wrapped them in wild paper and presented them to me the following Wednesday. They made a big deal of it and obviously everybody but me knew what was up... my cheeks were pretty pink by the time I had unwrapped them and noticed the big crowd of onlookers..... *blush*..... Brother.... what a crew!
Chuck on the left and Angus on the right...the third guy is sitting over to the left in his golf cart...that would be Howard.. even if you can't see him in this shot. Howard is 90 this late summer.... Chuck is 81 and Angus is 86. Two of them have had heart attacks ...one has a few every winter...but, we play on each spring when Howard calls me to say he has a tee time booked. He is very "with it"... and even goes through the computer call-in service...hahha...what a guy. You have to be up at 6:00 a.m. and already hanging on the line to get a time doing that. He called me two weeks ago to tell me to get my clubs out and scrub the dirt off.

Reservoir beside the 1st hole on a perfect golfing day last summer.
We hack our way around the course... laughing and poking fun at each other.... kibitzing and haranguing..... as they like to say. After our game we add 'em up and rehash our game.. whine and complain about it over coffee. We take turns being the big spender and buying every fourth week or so..or if Howard accidentally "forgets" it is his turn.. ( cuz he is notoriously cheap... Angus, his buddy, buys two weeks in a row). We yak about any subject that happens to pop up. What a fun morning it is... I always leave feeling like I have energy to burn. They are so positive... enjoy every moment of life... yes, we talk about health problems too sometimes...but, honestly, even with some serious things going on.... they still love to just get on with the business of living every day to it's fullest.

Angus, me, Howard..... two summers ago....
At this point I am supposed to tag 5 others whose blogs I enjoy visiting...but, I so hate to do that part... choosing or not choosing is too tough. I enjoy all the blogs I visit. So ... I'm changing things. Maybe you'd all like to play along... maybe nobody wants to...that's okay too. If you want to, please take the rules to your house...er .. blog. If not, no biggy.....
What a great post. I'm glad you have a very nice group of guys to go golfing with. You probably make their day (or week.)
sounds like you all have such a great time together :D i got a laugh out of them going to buy you boots :D
You and the boys! LOL! I hope you have a great golfing weather soon, very soon! You deserve it after the hard winter.
Love that picture of you- you're so cute! You look like such a fun and happy person.
That was a great post. How sweet!
What a nice post! It sure sounds like you all have a heap of fun hanging out together. Lovely pictures of you all too ~ :)
Hi Vee,
Glad you choose to play along - thank you. I know what you mean though about tagging and I feel the same, but I thought this one was not too hard.
What a wonderful story and I can remember you talking about the old farts! What amazing Men and the age of them and still playing golf.
They must enjoy you playing with them.
That last photo is lovely ~ the rose between the thorns.
Hi Vee,
Lovely posting ... I really enjoyed reading it, this morning.
You probably can't wait to start golfing. Hang in there it will happen soon.
Hope all is well, buddy.
Hugs ... Maria
Hi there, How great those guys look-- friends are so important as is getting out and about, and golfing couldn't be better. You look like you could be such fun to be with,pity I live so far away!
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