...looks like they're holding hands.

Trying to "think positive", because this is all I can find of spring at my house. These are my daffodils..... sigh...............you should take a gander at Susan's over on the 29 Black Street property. Of course, she has had a few +30 C at the opposite end of the country. Just you wait Susan B. ... in June I'm gonna show off my dafs and yours will be all gone...pzzfffft.....so there!
By then, she will, no doubt, have moved on to other beautiful shrubs and flowers in her "tropical" jungle ... having long since waved the early bloomers a fond farewell. *pout*
Don't worry, I'm just having a bit of pen..... ..whoops...I mean daffodil envy... .
hey...look !! I found some Mayday buds! should have some leaves in a few weeks.... that'll be good..... I guess........

I'm off back in time.... to check my posts...and see when I had some flowers last year.... seeya......
no panic.... looks like spring is late and this happens every year... lol... I better get used to it.
Spring is May.....
all of our daffs are dying off now, but the lilies are starting to grow :)
"Don't worry, I'm just having a bit of pen..... ..whoops...I mean daffodil envy... ."
We tend to forget the weather has a habit dumping snow in april (mom has 5 inches where she is, but it was nice a few days ago)
Today I planted my baskets and the Azealeas and the rhodedendrons are beginning to bloom and there are big fat buds in my clemetis.
I am sure your spring will be in full swing soon.
Aw.. the pair of pears is a great photo! I won't say what popped into my mind when I first saw them.
Hang on, you will have flowers and grass to mow soon, well, maybe soon. Surely by June?
Me thinks spring never follows the calendar of when it SHOULD arrive. It just turns up when it wants. But rest assured it WILL arrive. Any way just think of me, my spring is, um, four or five months away.
It's so interesting seeing all of your seasonal changes. In Queensland it pratically stays the same all year round and just gets a bit hotter and colder here or there. I lived in Wyoming for a year though and I did get a bit over the snow by the end of winter.
I can't wait to see all of your lovely dafs in bloom.
Love the pear pic! Daffodils were my favourite flower as a child....can't wait to see your's in bloom ~ :)
Hi Vee,
Your pear photo is great.
It will be fun to see your daffodils.
Over here our Wisteria is just dropping all her leaves, I was just out gathering them up. A sure sign that Winter is coming.
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