The sun has been shining....the temperatures are amazing ...skies blue... feels like summer. This is just too early for this, but we'll take it and happily!
There is brown dry grass in the back and side yard that face south and west.. where there was two feet of snow just days ago ... there is still snow on the front lawn. The gardens everywhere on each side of the yard are a terrible, brown, dry, dead mess. Hard to believe they will be beautiful, green and filled with colourful blooms in a ...well, I almost said few weeks...but actually it will still be more like a few months. I'll be at least mid May before a few brave daffodils show their sunny faces. .. perhaps a violet or two will peek out of a crevice in the paving stones......or a sprig of phlox sports a bright fuschia bloom. Sometimes I am a bit envious of those living in warmer climes at this time of year...but, not too much..because there are other advantages. Fewer noxious vermin and creepy crawlies... they die off in the freezing cold. I'm really happy we will never have termites or have to spray for more than the occasional wasp nest.
so, where was I ?? oh, yes..... on with my story about money...
and my pics for photo of the week... begun by Linda....
The day was so beautiful that we opened the garden shed and managed to move out the patio furniture, climbed over the mower, pots, ladders, bags of mulch, stuff, hoses, and, finally, managed to reach some rakes hanging from the back wall ...
I raked for about an hour and was dragging wet dirty leaves and paper and plastic baggies out from under a big juniper when I saw a bit of shiny stuff... thought at first it was just more candy wrappings blown under it during the winter. But was a $5 dollar bill. I shouted to Mr. BV that I was getting paid for my stint out in the yard. He looked at me..confused...til I held up my loot. It was so dirty it was almost unrecognizable as legal tender. If I had not been wearing gloves I wouldn't have touched it.

Threw it in a bucket of soapy water and scrubbed it up... hey..good as new. Almost. I'll pawn it off at the grocery store tomorrow....

lol should have been a $50 ;)
good to know the bills will take a cleaning without falling apart
I knew bills were strong and now you just proved it. All I ever find are pennies and the occasional dime. Although, years ago I did find a $50 lying on the ground just as I got out of the van in a mall parking lot.
That was a lucky find and an incentive to do some more raking and cleaning.
I am going out to do some gardening later.
Too bad it wasn't more, you lucky!
Wow, what a lucky treat to find! Hope you find more goodies in the garden! Happy Monday!
Lisa :)
So that's what Canadian bills look like.....nice find! Keep raking, there may be more where that came from....a couple of days ago, a couple of teens found a satchel full of money under a shrub on one of our Aussie TV soaps. lol
I hate cockroaches and they love the hot, humid climates like ours. I always make sure we're as protected as we can be and, thankfully, I haven't seen one since moving to this house nearly two years ago. It was a blessing when we lived in Wyoming because they didn't have nasty bugs where we lived there. Apparently, it was because of the colder climate and high altitude....we were 6949ft above sea level in a Rocky Mountain plateau.
Our snow has been gone for a few weeks now but it still isn't very warm and our grass is still brown and our trees naked. Lucky find on the money!!
Was just thinking today that I should get out the rake - who knows, maybe buried unders one of our bushes is a $20.00. I'm pretty sure all I'll rake up though is leaves, branches and dog droppings.
Brown grass and naked trees here still too.
LOL! Hey photos of found money is about as good as it gets! Way to go, Vee ;) Now that's my kind of photo! Next week a 20 dollar bill?
Isn't it great when we find money in the least expected palces? LOL
I have laundered money in the past too! LOL
When I have washed my hubby's pants, I have found a few dollars that have gone through the washing cycle. So I always say, Thanks for the Tip! But not if my hubby is close by. :)
Don't you just love finding money like that?! lol I remember when I was younger, I would go for walks when the snow had just melted and search for coins on the side of the road that people had dropped!! A lot of our snow melted this past weekend but there are still patches here and there. Hopefully it will all be gone this week because our temps are supposed to reach 17c by Thursday! Spring has been a long time coming. xoxo
Awww, I'll bet the Easter Bunny left that for you! I never find money in my yard, just trash the kids throw out of the car as they pass by. But I did find $10 in a pocket some years ago when that was a lot of money!
What a treasure...and first time I've seen a
5 dollar bill like that.... So was your work worth the 5 bucks.
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