look at that! ...who does she think she is? setting up housekeeping right next to MY mister.... there she is this morning... leaning on his shoulder........ hmpfff!
she better be careful....I could probably punt her right across the street without even trying....and it's darn cold out there. -24C....she would soon be a little tiny block of ice....
ROTFL....with all the exercising you've been doing, you could probably squash her flat with your little pinkie too! lol
p.s. - she does look quite beautiful though. :)
She might be trying to take over your blog! Just like Harley is trying to do with me!
Well she probably would like to be finished and then maybe she'll go after her own prince!! HMMM....
PS. don't forget I moved my photo of the week to my other blog, gee you girls are tuff!!
Just for that give her Gorilla arms and Frog legs. ROFLMBO
LOL You're so funny. I think she's making a play for the bear.
-24C!! o.0
I could just see some dog on the street chasing after her lol :p
:) You are funny :) but the doll is coming alone beautifully!
and a little teddy bear is just cute.
Rofl! She is just trying to show off. But I am sure she knows her place. She is very pretty though.
Handsome & Handy. Don't blame ya for keepin' an eye on him .. or her. Just waitin' on Spring here at 29 Black Street.
xo from les Gang.
Oh, that brazen hussy! Making a move on your man- and what a handsome man he is, I must say!
You may need to watch out, she is very pretty and you know how men can be lured by a pretty face ;)
Yes, she is very pretty! :D
Brazen hussy was the thought that went through my mind, when I saw her photo.
How dare she try and take over.
She is looking very pretty and you must be pleased with her.
The NERVE!!! She's beautiful! It is amazing to watch the progress with her!
The bread in your previous post looks so delish! YUMMY! :)
You can hardly blame her - your husband is dishy! :o)
word veri thing = squish
Ooh, you'd better watch out for that one, she looks dangerous! Vee, you always make me smile!
You have a delightful blog! STop by my garden sometime... today was Wordless Wednesday.
hahahah, what a hussy! Good looking guy ya got there...
but I'd throw her out for putting her moves on him. She is cute though.
This is Funny!!! and you did a wonderful job on her!!
She's GORGEOUS! Love her expression and complexion. And those sparkly...um...flirty...eyes. I think I see why you're worried. :o)
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