Here's some green for ye.... in case I don't get around to posting tomorrow.... and also a photo of the week for my group doing that. Not that I don't put a picci on every single post..just that I don't post every single day. But, when I do..it's not just words for me...no, no.... must have a pretty picci.....
Looked around the house and ... well, not much green that I thought photo-worthy today. Well, other than plants perhaps... but, all of a sudden, my eye caught a fun thing with the teensiest bits of green on it. My elf chair. Although, at our house..it is a chair for little bears right now.
I made this back in '05..while in England visiting a doll maker. She got tired working on her doll and said...let's try something else...so we played with some newspaper, wire, Apoxy Sculpt and we made a little chair for a fairy or an elf.... then continued work on our dolls while waiting for the chair to dry (which take about 24 hours to make sure)

Don't know if you can see..but we poked some little holes in the wet material so we could hang
some beads through later..

We sprayed the whole chair with copper colour.. touched it up withsome darker colours and some golds here and there.. added beads and even put some gold and pearls in nooks and crannies...

These two like it..... I think...
Hard to tell from those expressions..... hahahha.....
I hope you have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!
Love your faerie chair (and your little fuzzy chair riders!).
Happy St. Paddy's Day to you too (tomorrow)
those are nifty! :)
Of course they love the chair! They just don't want to share!
I am sure the enjoy thier chair, it's perfect for them or a very lucky fairy!!
Happy St. Patricks day to you Vee.
I love your little chair and your bears look comfortable on it.
My Mum made a chair a long time ago out of a can and she had cut the sides down and then curled them around a knitting needle and then painted it gold - funny the things that jog your memory.
that is a great chair :D the beads look really nice and it looks like the perfect thing for the bears to sit in
Love your little chair!
Happy St. Paddy's Day to you and the bears.......
Chair is pretty! Love the green beads.
What a pretty elf chair and those friends sitting on it! Lovely! Very much!
Love your elf and bear chair! How delightful! And those little bears are so adorable.
That is a lovely chair. No wonder the little bears don't want to get up from it.
They are so cute .The chair came out very nice Veronica! XXOO Marie Antionette
Hi, just wanted to say thanks for leaving me an encouraging comment about my "birthday"inchy. It was nice of you! Very best wishes, Carolyn
How creative, lovely little chairs and wonderful bears, look good in there.
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