Heh..heh.... little does she know what she's in for...I'm reeeelly bossy!

Ya gotta love bloggers though .... especially "the fun (or funny) ones and Linda is all of that. Her latest post will crack you up.... she is planning to be in the Guinness Book of World Records...
Many's the day I'd like to pretend I have an extra sister as well... so, in that vein, ... I'll invite a few ladies to join the sisterhood group. I'll choose a few outside our immediate group of photo a day gals because they've probably been tagged already or will be soon if not... ....
Pass it on if you'd like to play.... ...

In other news.... there are legs hanging all over the place around here. Dangling from lamps, sewing machines,... window cranks. However, I did read a page that was interesting today and it said to use hangars to hang things from while waiting for them to dry. Now, why didn't I think of that?
It's been a busy week of sewing up legs...and sewing up legs...and sewing up even more darn legs. It would probably help if I knew something about sewing. I couldn't seem to make two that were the same size to save my soul. I finally figured out that if I placed the pattern at the same angle on the fabric ... it worked much better. Why on earth it took me so long to figure it out I have no idea. Even then... it just seems like one teeeeensy angle different on one teeeensy stitch and a knee becomes so much more pointy than the other..... whew.... what a rigamarole just to get one pair of great legs. Of course, it's because the grain of the fabric was different on each leg...therefore, when stuffing...it just became plumper or thinner or longer or shorter...or ..well, you get the idea. I made more than a mental "note to self" this time. This time I am making notes on paper. As I go along. Mr. BV's latest, greatest suggestion. Well, really, why would I expect myself to remember all the tips and tricks from one year to the next? even Einstein made lots of notes..because he said it was silly to keep trivia in his head... stuff like his own phone number...hahahahha .. Besides... it has been a year since I made a doll. Seeing as I do so little sewing..I easily forget the sewing tips... like..... I could forget this as early as tomorrow morning. Maybe not.....
Then, I had a play with some Apoxy Sculpt and didn't have much luck there either. It's also been a year since I used that stuff. Don't get me wrong, it is fun stuff..just seemed my hands didn't know what to do with it anymore..... .. what a whiner eh? But, it's not all bad.... the shoes that definitely didn't cut the mustard?...I saved to play with . Well, to practice some painting before I try it on the good pair....

After all that moaning, I think you guys deserve some tea and cookies...whaddya say? Percy says he'll wait tables.

Oh how lovely Vee, giving me the Sisterhood Award ~ thank you so much!
You are making a lovely pair of legs and I look forward to seeing your Gal all finished.
Thank you for the tea and cookies.
wishing you a fabulous weekend
That pic of Linda's was a hoot. I can't wait to see what your legs are going to be attached to.
I hav enuff sisters alreddy!!!!
Hi Percy! Did yu sayve eny ov that for me? :@}
It must be WEIRD to hav lots ov legs haning abowt the playce!
oh cookies! :D
the leg looks good to me. I would use the legs and other body parts to make up a circus freak show doll :D Wouldn't matter if they looked funny, the odder the better :p
Congratulations on your Sister award!
Such a lot of drama for a good pair of legs but, at least, you worked out why the problem was happening. I like the shoes!
How sweet Percy is to wait on us. Yummy tea and cookies...thank you ~
First of all,I am so greatly honored,you would choose me as an adopted sister.And I don't care if you are bossy or needy.I'll love you all the same.Thanks Sis!
You are so funny with those legs.I cannot come near the the dolls or bears that you make.I don't sew much on my doll clothing either.Squares and circles and draping.But I do know about the angles.LOL...I'm sitting here laughing,because of all the little legs dangeling around.You got pieces parts everywhere,thats to much.I think I better go have a cookie with Percy...LOL...XXOO Marie Antionette
Percy is adorable and I'll have some of what you are having! Legs legs legs...hahaha...hope you have fun with apoxy.
Merci pour les award Sista !!
I must say all those legs, amiss and amputated - tres disarminging and that sweet Mr. BV always with his considerate and quiet help. Steal his toothbrush already ! Will ya ? Please !! and send it over to the guys in South Korea. xo from les Gang
Hey the legs llok great and nice shoe too!
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