well, maybe a decorator tree or two then...

Guess I could just close the curtains instead...and not look at the dog sled teams mushing by the front window... just kidding...but, honestly if there were some in the neighbourhood...they would love this. Mother Nature gave us a gift..... 6 inches of fresh snow overnight. It was +14 C the other day and would have rivaled any great summer's day. I was even thinking about my golf clubs... of course, it is months away from anything like that around here......but, you know.. just thinking ....
It took well over an hour of heavy shoveling to do the sidewalks and driveway...ohhhh it is wet and heavy. The weatherman was calling for +11C this afternoon...I don't think it will reach that, but the sun is poking out now...and maybe it will melt a bit, but I bet the roads are horrible. Staying home.

Mr. B. brought home some flowers yesterday ..... I'll look at those instead.... whew... that's more like it. A touch of greenery makes it so much more springlike ....
even tried a stem in my new little flower holder... looks kind of cute.... like a plant....

What a cute post! I can't believe it snowed that much (well, actually I can, LOL)! The flowers are pretty. :)
those are beautiful flowers and the look really nice in that holder :)
I'd put the trees up :D worth a chuckle and would probably bring a smile to a lot of people's faces :D
Fancy it snowing! I thought you said the other day that you were going into Spring.
The old weather must be a little mucked up.
Beautiful flowers and isn't it a treat to get them. I like your arrangement in your new vase.
Have a great week and I hope that you can get some Spring days.
Love the flowers! That is a great pic of the trees even with the snow. LOL
Stop !!! With the sweet, kind, thoughtful, caring and handiest of men (ever) gloating. Stop !!! can you say DNA ? Can you say clone ? S'il vous plait ???We had a dusting of snow last night as well and temps are continuing in the minuses for a few more days. Winter's hangin' on like a son of a gun.
xo S & les GAng
I'd feel the same about snow at this time of year, Vee. But how sweet of your dear man to bring you flowers at just the right moment!
Your sweetie's flowers are much prettier than the snow-LOL! And isn't he a dream to bring you home some color? I hope spring arrives and stays soon so you can get those golf clubs and your motorcycle out to play.
Your post made me smile!
Wow, I can't believe you are still getting so much snow! :(
Spring has Sprung but not in your area! :(
Hope all that snow melts away and soon you can enjoy Spring.
Lovely flowers. The snow is pretty too.
Oh my!! I feel so bad for you with all that snow!! But those flowers are just so lovely and I am sure gave your spirit a lift.
What a nice nice Mister. And they are gorgeous...but as beautiful as the snow is, keep it away from me, ha!
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