Mother Nature must have heard me mention the possibility of lots more snow at this time of year. I have a mental image of her looking a lot like Mrs. Claus... she hears you when you're sleeping...she knows if you're awake... you know, ... like that. She knows everything. And, she aims to please....
It was snowflaking when we went to bed and this accumulated by morning.... about 5 or so new inches.... heavy and wet. An hour shoveling with all the city sidewalk that wraps around our corner lot.

It was heavy and wet... there was a trail of clothing behind me .... coat, gloves...sweater... finally I had on just my t-shirt and cords... must have barely been cold enough to make it snow instead of rain. The rest of the week will be about the same... -3C and snow flurries several of the days...
Today it is lovely and sunny...with the very usual blue sky in winter that I love. So the opposite of where my sister lives...she never sees the sun through cloud and fog...til about .... oh, well, soon I guess. They are usually socked in from October til March in most of B.C.

Snapped this an hour ago. It is pretty mild out there...yesterday's snow melted off and now... the birds have a rustic skating rink. Frozen solid ...ice even overflowing the edges. I can hear the birdies chirping away...they sound happy enough....even the robins are joining the chorus of finches, chickadees and sparrows. I have no idea what the poor robins manage to find to eat 'til the snow goes and the ground thaws. I imagine them hopping around behind a sparrow trying to figure out what it is they find...and trying to do the same...probably looking slightly confused at the slim pickin's.
There you have it girls.... my photo a day.... make that photos a day....have a good one. Off to work on my dolly a bit now..... oh, and second java in the sunshine streaming in through the kitchen window. Craft room be darned.... no sun on that side of the house .... hahahha..... I've always thought that a lovely, sunny room covering the whole of the large double garage would have been the perfect place to build a hobby area..... hmmm... NO! what am I saying!? We have been renovating this place for 23 years now.... I better not even think it out loud or somebody will be drawing plans on paper napkins or graph paper...getting ready to tear things apart. He's a bit like Mother Nature in that respect; aims to please. No, mum's the word....definitely. That's it,.... totally mum. The laundry room still has no sink...arrgghhhhh! soon though...soon, we can reorganize the garage, park the van outside and get the hole cut in the arborite for that...and do some plumbing...yaaaaay! It will be the most beautiful and functional laundry room ever, and at the risk of bragging... (please don't hate me)... the most storage ever. I still have empty cupboards and drawers... lol... . Still looking for a beautiful mirror for the room...it is a beautiful room..it deserves the best....