Brrrrr...today it is definitely cold even though the sun is peeking through the rice paper thin cloud cover. The wind makes your face feel stiff after only a few minutes out there. The tires on the van made it feel like I was driving on square blocks of wood for the first 100 feet....with very pointy edges. Still no snow.... but, -15C ..... the weatherman is saying perhaps...in a few days....
Of course, then I might be whining about it being horrible to drive in. My cargo van is not great in snow... but then...I don't usually have to go too far. Mostly I don't want to go anywhere either. I'm a total home body. Actually I think I might be a hermit. A happy hermit. However, I do perhaps wish I lived on an acreage ....so I didn't have to see anybody at all some days. Definitely wish I didn't have to see my neighbour's front yard... especially now. Surrounded by trees would be great. Susan's unruly but wonderful jungle springs to mind. How I wish.
Which movies were those....?? There were a couple at least...where the neighbourhood weirdos put out every moving, puffing, blinking whizzing thing they can find ..... arrrghh... the only good thing is...they are next door and not across the street. If I don't look out any side windows I don't have to see it. Poor Luisa, across the street. She says she tries not to look out her front windows from now til February. I'm tempted to slip over in the dead of night with a big knife and slash that stupid 20 ft. snowman...then he'll be flat on the lawn before February.. which is what usually happens about then. Maybe I'd even get lucky and it'd snow and cover him up completely, along with all of his reindeer, penguin and other assorted cheesy animal buddies... blinking boxes... etc..I think the witch from Hallowe'en is still stuck in the tree... sheeesh....
Instead of putting the stuff away, they just turn off the compressor that puffs mightily, trying to keep him upright as he sways precariously back and forth. At the supper hour and high power use times.. he sags. Their house must be underwired..and yep...the guy is an electrician. The snowman reminds me of some Michelin man monster and I keep hoping he will just wander off somewhere. After the season, they simply ignore all of it....til late spring, when somebody finally decides maybe it's way past time to tidy the lawn.... .... it's a wonder he still stands up again each year.....
oh, well..................... it's a perfect baking day. Biscotti is a good one to do early. It freezes perfectly. I won't chocolate drizzle all of them... just a few "testers" for you-know-who.... then double wrap and in the freezer they go for a few weeks til I am ready to send some to my sister.

Cranberry Pistachio Biscotti
LOL!! You are too funny about the snowman :D I can see it now...Veronica the Christmas caper sneaking around late at night to poke holes in her neighbours decorations, unscrewing the Christmas lights, and knocking over the lawn ornaments and then sneaking back into her warm little house to have tea and biscotti...LOL!!
Hugs~Heather :)
Is that a bit of a "bah" I hear coming from way out west.
That biscotti looks delish ! xo, S and a special hello from Mr Sweetnes himself - Oliver - who's right here hangin at the teak topped desk as usual, sitting straight up - eyes closed - he's doing some brainstorming I think.
The biscoti looks delicious! I recently bought a cookie book that has some very interesting biscotti recipes that I am planning to try out soon.
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