Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Fairy Princess

This is Daisy .... a very special girl... .... and obviously pretty patient with her Mom too.... she actually has a whole wardrobe. I am not sure how long she has been a super model... some day I must go back to the very beginning of her blog.

The other day she was a beautiful Fairy Princess and was granting wishes.. Oh, I do hope Dilly stops by to see her..... pink is absolutely Dilly's fav colour and fairy pwincesses... well... she thinks those are THE best!

But, I think I made a mistake...Daisy must have heard with her special cat hearing when I wished out loud for snow... silly me, I should have said money...cuz by now I'd have a bazillion dollars! almost enough for a bail out...hahahhah

Instead ...I have 5 inches of heavy, wet, snow...and those huge, fluffy, wet flakes are still falling. Visibility? ...nil.....
I am really getting a workout with my new shovel. All I can say is, .. it's a darn good thing I have been able to workout this year to be a bit more prepared for this.... but....... ohhhhh... me achin' back already.

The birds will have to do some searching to find the berries on the hedge.
Be careful what you wish for.....hmmmm.....why does that phrase seem so very familiar to me??....


Unknown said...

Daisy was so gracious to grant you your snowy wish!

Timaree said...

There is absolutely no way my cat would let me dress her up. I'm barely allowed to hold her although she loves to sit on my table beside my work (or rather on my work but I'm pretty quick and move it before she sits down). That snow looks lovely.

DILLY said...
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DILLY said...

Owwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! PWITTY PWINSESS CAT!!! Owwwwwwwww be LUVly!!!!!!!!! DILLY hav pwinsess hat too!!! See foto? Dilly goin go find an put on....



Linda Fleming said...

Yikes! That's a lot of snow! And what an adorable kitty- a very patient kitty-LOL

anya said...

When I clicked over to your blog and saw sweet Daisy in her fairy princess get-up, I burst out laughing. Her expression is priceless! Katy heard me and said "What?" she came in to see and we had a great time admiring Daisy. Really, really, cute.

It's snowing like crazy here in my part of Colorado tonight, too. I hope I can get down to the bus stop in the morning. At least I did get those new snow tires.

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Oh, lovely snow! We're a while off snow here, even though it's getting colder and colder each day.

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Sweet Daisy is indeed a patient cat who looks adorable in her fairy princess garb.
We had snow over the weekend but it is raining today.
I hear the Arctic express (-20 windchill) is headed your way.
Brrrrr you better get out Daisy's parka!

Anonymous said...

haha...what a beautiful fairy princess you have there! :)

Catharina Maria said...

What a lovely and sweet fairy !
I like it .