So, the sky is white sunlight streaming into the kitchen this morning.... but, I have lights and heat.... so I'm a lucky girl......

Had a great brekky of egg whites on home made bread, toasted.... and some very tasty sliced tomatoes sprinkled with freshly ground peppercorns. Mmmmmm...
Ever since the ban on Roma tomatoes earlier this year due to salmonella problems...I switched to some Canadian vine tomatoes...yum... they are so tasty I just continued to buy them instead. I thought they might be less flavourful when it came to the winter months... but...not at all. They are wonderful.
It is time to organize for the festive season in the "gifts from the kitchen" department. Anya wondered if I would be sharing recipes and yes ...absolutely.......and as a matter of fact, if you are looking for a certain recipe and can't find one... let me know...I may be able to help...
Most of my food related items, household tips and savings tricks, etc.. usually appear on my recipe and food blog. You can pop over directly from the link on the sidebar if you'd like to see what's cooking.... or get some helpful hints. Well, I always think they are helpful... lol..... but, then, I am me. And, if I am especially happy with a recipe or a picture I post over there, I sometimes brag about it a bit on this blog too....

Hello! Your sandwich looks yummy! Oh, and I'd be happy to send some snow your way, if you'd like! ;)
hey Vee, It's been tres busy over hear at the teak topped desk ... just popped in to say hello. You sound like you're wishing for some snow. Ours has all melted and we're back to mild temps again.
Any thoughts on our exciting Canadian political situation ? Love from the whole gang xo, S.
During the salmonela mess with the tomatoes, some of the stores here in Florida started to sell Canadian tomatoes...they were yummy :)
No snow up your way? Is your area in a drought? My area has been enduring a drought for two years now. We finished last year -20" of rain, and it looks like we'll be - 18" this year. We're in our dry seasaon now so rain will be scarce until next next summer. It's been so dry we under water restrictions, and lawn watering is limited to just once a week. But I don't water my lawn, just all my potted plants and tock garden.
I figured you would feel like I do about those holiday letters-LOL! Ugh!
I know this is an older post, but the tomatoes caught my eye. I've just recently discovered the Canadian tomatoes in my Texas grocery store. I love them, and also the cucumbers. Also enjoyed your latest "Good Fence" post. Thanks for stopping by to comment on mine.
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