Saturday, December 6, 2008

Here's a laugh for your Saturday.......


Carole Burant said...

Now I've seen everything! lol How cool is that machine...a very smart dog as well!!! xoxo

MightyMom said...

that's hilarious! keep the dog and the kid out of trouble!!

Susan said...

Too sweet. Thanks for the smiles xo S.

Timaree said...

We have a dog that use to play fetch but we got tired of throwing it for 2-3 hours a day and finally took the balls away. We should have tried this!

DILLY said...


Linda Fleming said...

Hmmm... I think Emmy needs one of those! LOL!

anya said...

This is the best video. My son sent it to me recently and I wanted to put it on my blog, but I'm still working the video angle. Glad you shared it with the blogosphere. My old, now gone, German Shepherd, Mutz would have loved this gadget.

Anonymous said...

this is awesome! Bailey would LOVE this! :)