Almost 3 days now....and still lovely....
Today we got a slow start...but the ceiling in the laundry room is now going swimmingly.... but, supper's gonna be late......

Four pot light cannisters to cut around.. a couple of 45's in the corner you can't see...and some dado cuts to make.. and.. well... we will get it completed today..but it will be dark.

Look how nice and professional it looks.... ooohhhh .... can hardly wait to see it all done. Then...cabinets to build.
We have done a suspended ceiling in the past (my exercise room)... but...it was several years ago. Can't get the exact ceiling tiles anymore... but found something close. Not that it really matters... totally different rooms...and who really examines each of your ceilings anyway? I was thinking how great it is that my sweetie remembers how to do all of this stuff ... even if we have only tried it once. So... was asking some questions so that I would remember what to be ready for ..etc...and then he used those famous last words... it isn't rocket science....sigh.....
Sure enough..... it seems that the 2 foot sections of cross members that we purchased are not quite 2 feet ....and won't sit right on the main braces.... hmmmm.... geeee..... maybe we have to purchase 4 foot lengths and cut them each and every time? This could get a bit more expensive than first thought...plus be a lot more measuring and cutting.....one now has an end cut off... trash bin. And... somebody had to drive off to Rona to see if he can discover the reason things don't measure up. Silly me... I asked if there were perhaps some pamphlets of info so that we could just refresh our memories on how to do it.... Glare! you know the look! yikes... okay...I'll just go change some sheets and try to see if I can figure out how to use the washer this weekend.
Last weekend... it seemed perhaps it WAS rocket science to operate that baby.... perhaps I will need to upgrade my skills... maybe a training module or special weekend course at NASA...

I'm certain there must be special papers needed to do laundry in this space age laundry room. Mr. Bumblevee seems to have the washer all figured out already... as a matter of fact... he had to supervise all 9 loads of laundry that we did on Sunday after the washer being out of commission for this length of time... I was having no luck at all getting the blinking thing to work.

Obviously I am doing something wrong. It keeps defaulting to "Child Lock" ... and then... it won't start. Finally figured something out though. If I just continue to hold down the Start button when that happens ... it will start! But, come on !!! There is a way to de-activate the Child Lock and I did figure that out.... but, somehow it defaults to the "on" position every time I touch the machine. However, there was a power outage the other morning just before I tried to do the first load unsupervised... perhaps the programming got screwed up when that happened? I'm hoping that's all it was.... or my mister may become the official doer of the laundry around here. This reminds me of the remote control.... why can't there just be a simple switch??......
I jus did a big messidge an then it went offline an I lost it!!!
ENyway, wat I wantid to say was that yor woshin masheen probly needs a knak. Wen ours duzzent go yu hav to push the dor a few times. That's its knak. Yors will hav its own knak.
Also, don't ferget to put at leest wun pare ov pants in wiv evry lot ov woshin. This also helps. Beleev me. Try it. An then Polly can enjoy frolickin wiv a newly lornderd pare, wich is the best ever!
Sorry it took me a wile to come to yor blog. Since the man over the roade cut down his hedge (that mayde Mummy go grrrr...) we pik up his internet signol. Wenever he logs on it frows us off!!! It's all secure so he carnt spy on us. But it still interfeers wiv my bloggin. Grr.
Oooo Mummy's dun loades ov woshin wiv loades ov pants in it. It waz gettin seerioss as Daddy haz his larst pare on today. I hope it stops raynin or heel hav to go commando tomorro.
The peonies are candyfloss perfection. You know that pure,delightful innocent pink.Gorgeous!
I sure hope the washer came with detailed instructions.I bought a front loader last year, it may save water but it has to complete the entire cycle before you can open the door.
Good luck with the ceiling.
xo Susan
Never come across an oversudsing button. I love that one! x
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