Yesterday was perfect...and, today another one.... glorious summer days. Warm enough though and it is nice when the sun goes behind a cloud..or probably more accurately, when a cloud floats in front of the sun. Perfect for puttering about in the garden areas... and if it gets too hot in the sun..I just follow the shade as it shifts from area to area... watering a few new little babies with my watering can. I love to do that. Forget the hose. It is just more fun to use the watering can. Plus, I like to dig the soil a bit and don't want to get it all wet at once.. just need to do small areas at a time. You know...just enjoy the hours. And, it IS hours too.... they pass by so quickly when I am out there. Mostly, just standing around with a silly grin on my face.... sipping some juice.... looking at my little pansies... checking my new hens and chicks I brought home from Vikki's... wondering what the one little guy is that got dug up and transplanted with them. We think it might be a lamb's tail or something similar. Whatever it is...it is doing great...likes the spot I chose for it. I have one really dry area at the bottom of a rather green area... poor soil... rock plants, cacti, fescu and some sedum type ground cover.. and my new little fuzzy plant. I didn't bother to change it or add better soil... the desert type plants there love it. I just toss in more found pebbles from time to time. The new transplants should do very well... they were all planted on the full moon when we got home from B.C. Remember the last full moon?..it was the big Strawberry Moon.... perfect!

I decided I just had to bring some of the peonies inside. They are on the side of the house where I see them each morning when I open the bedroom windows.... but... then... throughout the day... they are pretty much out of sight. Not good enough. They are too beautiful and have too short a bloom period. I need to see them all day every day while they are perfect!

And they ARE perfect too... all by themselves .. but I decided to add a few sprigs of the amazing deep hued penstemones.... even better....

The velvety clouds of angel pink remind me of some of Iwona Jankowski's huge flower paintings. I once bought a tiny horse ACEO from her on ebay when I was beginning my little collection. .... .. ... she has some interesting paintings.
A beautiful poetic post. It makes me want to like summer. The horrible humid summer heat hit here last week, so we now have months ahead of us of having to hide inside with the curtains closed and airconditioning on to survive the days and nights :(
Nothing better than a summer day, admiring the flowers and green growth, watching dragonflies flit around the yard, little geckos sunning themselves, and feeling the sun on my own face. Enjoy your summer, Vee!
the peonies are stunning what a wonderful way to start the day!
So glad that you have been enjoying beautiful summer days...they're rare enough lately. I don't blame you at all for creating a peony bouquet. I did the very same thing! Yours are exquisite!
Peonies in the plural, I only had one flower on my plants this year! Yours are lovely and beautiful photos of them. I am always interesting to hear of others gardens, they are so time consuming though and the hours do just slip away. x
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