You know how when you carefully plan a day? And then... you get a phone call? somebody cancels... or the weather changes? the golf course closes on account of lightening.. or.. the car quits.. or .. well, if you like to make lists or plans..then you know it all too well. A perfect reason to make them loosely woven... plenty of room for spontaneity or changes... or to crumple and toss them entirely... OR... better yet... keep them and remember to write down all the extras you did during a pretty busy day and pat yourself on the back when you glance at it last thing before a well deserved early night! .... sometimes I make lists, but mostly don't bother anymore. Decided it was a waste of time making them as I never seemed to accomplish most of what seemed important in the morning. Life got in the way...or I didn't feel like doing some things..or other "stuff" just became more fun. Like, going outside and forgetting to come back in. I do it for hours at a time. How that many hours can fly by while I pick and dig I don't know..but they do.

The last beautiful petals of the spent peonies....

a few bright rays of sunshine through the leaves of the Mayday. Good thing I looked up...... cuz, I realized how black it was to the north... and sped up more than a notch..

.... still wanted to mow the lawn in preparation for a few dim days with the forecast of showers. Look Susan...I, too, have a "beast rouge" .. perhaps they're related? ..or are most beasts of the rouge variety? I'm pretty fond of Old Red... he does a great job and is totally reliable.

How do these little guys grow in such teensy spaces?... and so healthy looking too? the ones in my garden should be so green......

This sort of reminds me of Shakkei in Japanese gardening... .. the borrowing of a distant view through strategically pruned greenery or perhaps a window or door opening ..etc. .. except the viola is not very distant...
And a very handsome la Beast Rouge it 'tis if I do say so myself. Today's been one of those days where I'd like to say "ta hell with it all" - ta hell with the structured days, ta hell with the endless lists, bring on the free, free freedom from it all - I kid of course.
Cheers from NS, S, Winn, Les Chats & la Beast Rouge
hey Vee,
patting myself, much, on the back for every single little tiny extra thing that I accomplished. Merci to you ! I do hope you'll be posting "that" cookie recipe over at Tea & Scones.
Love S, Winn & Les Chats
Yup, those little stray flowers are often the strongest and best. Your post could be title "Gang Aft A-gley" or whatever Burns said. :D
Lovely flower photos!
ahh yes, always make time to gather the's actually on my to do list. teeheeheee. and when those "extra" things come by I just add them to the list and cross them off as done HA.
Pretty little Johnny Jump Ups, in unexpected places, always make me smile!
A nun once told me, "When you write a list, always put 'number 1: write a list' at the top. That way you always have something to cross off it when you've finished writing it."
I've never forgotten and I always do it.
Very sweet little violas ~ aren't they such pretty colours.
I hope you get your "to do things" done.
Your Title is pure Wisdom!
Especially for me, who really likes to 'pin plans down.' You'd think all these years with grown kids, would have broken me of that, wouldn't you?
But no, I continue to have the {always dashed} hope that someday, when a family thing is planned....Someone will really know the plan, ahead of time.
Silly me...
Miss Mari-Nanci
'Smilnsigh' blog
Great photos Vee. hahaha I get lost in my own little yard and always forget to come in. I find that the last year has taught me about lists and life and slowing down and taking what comes. Life is wht happens when you are making other plans. Great post.
thanks to all who "weighed in" on lists... it seems to be a regularly re-occurrence on plenty of blogs ... just wait 'til around Christmas... it will crop up again for sure. Of course, then...I am making lists...and checking them twice.... cuz I ain't wastin' time on those who have been
Thank you for stopping by my site today. And I absolutely LOVED the picture of the horse you posted on my page. Wow! :)
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