This week the daisies are blooming... and now..they will be blooming in various spots in the gardens for the rest of the summer. There are some tiny leaves just beginning in some areas ...and full grown in others.... it's great. they don't smell nice... but they look perky and pretty..... the wooly thyme and the Pink Chintz thyme are a full, lush carpet in between the other plants and rocks.

Aside from playing in the gardens and just sitting out there enjoying the birds playing in the birdie bath...just been doing some simple side dishes for quicker suppers. How about orange rice with fresh parsley to go with BBQ chicken breast? That was yummy one day....

The peonies are in full bloom in the side yard...

Near the daisies ... Penstemones. Beautiful perennials that are butterfly and hummingbird attractions. I now have several clumps of them and some random self starters...but most of them I carefully separated and placed where I wanted them. I like the idea of some of the pinks and blues together... so did that on purpose ...

I hope the colours show up exactly the same on your monitor as they do on mine.... ohhhhh...this is such a beautiful colour. the tips are the darkest purplish blue... what to call it? I don't even know.... but it is amazing....
Happy Fourth of July to all the gals in the U.S. !!
Beautiful flowers! I love penstemons but I can't keep them, they curl up and die! I think our soil is too sandy for them.
Only just found your comment on my meme blog, sorry for not responding sooner. Your bears are adorable!
Oh my, but your flowers are simply glorious, Vee! What a feast for the eyes your yard must be!
I wish my washer would only work for Mike so I would get out of doing laundry-LOL Bet you are glad to have a working laundry room again.
Beautiful flowers, purplish/blue ones are my favourites and your penstemons are really pretty too. I did have some but I have lost them all. Back to my lavenders, I have killed off as many as I have managed to keep. Once they get woody they've had it! Not a very good track record really? x
How pretty your garden must be Veronica.
I love the pink colour of the peonies and the
penstemons and daisies make such a beautiful
The flowers are looking fantastice...such crisp, beautiful colors.
My sis has recently taken up golf. Her new husband insisted upon it and further insisted that she take lessons. I don't know if she enjoys it or not.
Isn't it funny how we can be so busy and then can't think of what we really did to be so busy! lol Like you, I've just been enjoying being outside and puttering around in my gardens. Your flowers are just gorgeous...gotta love those perennials! I've finally put all perennials in my front and back flowerbeds and it's wonderful to have them come up every year on their own and not have to worry about having to plant something.
Sounds like you've been having fun golfing...I have friends who golf a lot and they just love it. Good exercise too!!
Take care and keep enjoying our beautiful weather:-) xoxo
Thanks for coming to visit my garden...hope you all enjoyed it as much as I do..... I can stay out there for hours..just puttering and using my pretty watering can...
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