My first Bear Show.
I hardly slept on Friday night cuz I was nervous; had been busy all week trying to finish up a couple of things for the display .. was trying to make sure I got all my stuff safely packed ..didn't forget anything ... but how to do that when I wasn't even really sure what I needed to take with me?
Up early on Saturday...totally groggy.... oh, don't ya hate that feeling? I got to the hotel just a bit later than I wanted to..but still with plenty of time to set up. Krista of K Paws had the table right next to me...and we chatted away whilst setting up. She did say that she had not had much sleep either. As a matter of fact..I must have been yakking a bit too much..and visiting with several folks near by... Cheryl of Bruinwerks... Laura Unrau... Edie... Ginny, Evelyn....and/or dawdling or something while looking at some great mohairs.... ...because even though I kept smelling great coffee...and kept telling myself I must get over to the corner and get me some....all of a sudden.... it was time to open the doors and I still had not found my cup of coffee!! Too late! Darn it.
In strolled the early birds and the first few hours of the day sped by in a blur. A friend from our doll club, who is interested in learning to make bears, showed up to keep me company and also brought me some coffee...thanks Maggi!
It was not crowded, but there seemed to be a steady small stream of folks stopping by the table to chat about my dolls and the bears. It was great to meet fellow Teddy Talk members .... Mel from Edmonton wasn't an exhibitor this year, but she did drive over just for the show...and then drove all the way back home again the same day.
I met some great people, had a fun day and sold several bears. I had no idea what to expect for sales at a first show, but was very happy with the results. I made a few trades..bought a few things...got some email addresses and have already heard from a few new friends....what a great day it was!! Next year ......the Second Annual Calgary Bear Show. All of us that were there are looking forward to it already!
I was exhausted by the time I got home... but couldn't really seem to wind down at bedtime ... still did not get much sleep on Saturday night...and all today..had no energy at all. My sister declared it to be sort of like "empty nest syndrome"..but more like "after the party syndrome" instead this time. Yeh...I guess I can go with that. Although..it is sort of empty nest too as some of those little bears have lived with me for some time now and I am not great at parting with any of my little guys it seems. She also reminded me that we always seem to "give it our all", so to speak, with whatever project we happen to have at hand, no matter the importance or size of said project to others. Large or small. Sometimes it may seem pretty insignificant to others..but to us..it is always monumental and foremost in our heart and head. Thanks for that reminder Vikki.
Today was spent looking for some cabinets and storage items...to try to make some semblance of order out of the chaos that is my "craft room".... I am having a tidy up week. Or else.
A wonderful lady named Antonina took many pics of my table and the bears and dolls...and sent them all to me already. I laughed at these guys most of the day...they reminded me of the two old guys on the Muppets.... looked like they were talking about all sorts of silly things they saw as the day went by...

Aww Veronica you sound as though you had a lot of fun. Saw the pics on TT and your table and bears and dolls looked great and there was one of you smiling behind your table you looked really nice and glamorous. Wish I could have been there. I know what you mean about missing your bears but don't worry they will be loved wherever they are.
Warm wishes
Hi Pauline...
"glam" hey? Oooooooh.....for a tomboy trying hard to dress up a bit that is perfect! I thank you for that...!!
Yes, I really did have a great time...too good in fact for some people..but more on that another day.
Tx Pauline for stopping by the blob...oops...blog. My sis has taken to calling it my "blob" and, all of a sudden...so am I it seems!
Hey Vee, Your table looks super! sounds like you had a great time there...wish i could have gone :( ...so happy for you that it turned out well for you. Yeah!!! That's super great but of course your work is too! Hope you are resting now! Hugs, Linda
Wouldn't that be fun Linda? Have a bunch of people we only know via our blogs show up for a get together? What a hoot.
Nope..no rest for the wicked or the weary...but..it still seems a rest all the same not having deadlines.
I have had a great week cleaning; re-organizing and re-arranging my house and my life. It is great..... but, then... next week...back to "dollying". No bears for at least a month till she is done.
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