In all honesty, it was getting pretty bad. So, when "someone" (you know who) offered to help me get organized ... erm ... or was that ...." get me organized" ... I was more than happy to take him up on his offer.
It really was complete chaos by the night before the Calgary Bear Show. There was doll, bear and paper making supply clutter on every surface of every room in the house !! All I can say is ... I sure am glad he is such a good sport about my hobbies. Some days he has to clear fluff and fur off a space big enough to eat supper ...oh, the shame of it all......sigh.....

IKEA was definitely the answer. My little used 'sitting room" ... which hardly ever got used for sitting, and had become more of a catch-all ... was transformed over the past two weeks. Yep .. one week turned into two; of tidying and then re-organizing my life. It took that long, cuz I had a lot of "stuff" and it was haphazardly stacked and spread around in that room. Plus, of course, there was furniture to assemble .. things to move ... decisions to be made. We have to add here that we have not previously been big on IKEA furniture because Greg builds things and usually loves to be within 1/6400 tolerances if you get my drift.....but when the first assembling job was complete...and everything was square and even level right off the bat... we changed our minds. He was more than impressed. For the money... it was a bargain. And it matched up nicely with some of the other small furniture in there. The room is only 10 X 12...but still seems large even with all the furniture in there. Just need to paint baseboards and put them on and it will be one of the totally finished rooms in this Reno Project.

So .... my shiny new "bear, doll and paper stuff/craft/making" space. Absolutely not, repeat NOT... moving into it just yet either. I'm just going to feast my eyes on SHINY for at least a day or two ! Maybe even sit in the love seat or chair every so often and take my time deciding where to put things.

Look at that great little rolling set of storage drawers.. .. lovely casters that are kind to the hardwood... and it would even fit under the table if I want..but I am going to put a lamp on it instead for more light and .. hey ..even add a bit more elegance to my "studio" .. la dee dah.... It is creamy coloured... too bad they didn't have black, but if I leave it beside the little love seat..I kinda like the cream better. Even found the perfect display cabinet that has space tall enough to fit my tallest doll. She is 26 inches and too tall for any shelved unit that doesn't have movable shelving. Now they will be dust free and easier to see ...not in plastic baggies...sure hated to have those things draped on my dolls.

other side of the love seat...a small "bearister" bookcase. Books, dolls, bears safely behind more glass..clean and visible.. easy to get at for show and tell.

looking into the sitting room from the master bedroom... where we cut an archway through the wall to extend into there years ago. There is a fair sized walk in closet on the right hand wall at the edge of the pic... lots of shelving unused..but, now.... there are clear plastic craft cases on it. Easy to find..yet out of the way.
Ooooohhhh I love my new room!
Hi Vee, Can you go over to my craft area? Please? he-he!
Hugs, Linda
Whaddy mean go to your craft area? I go there all the time to check you out....
oooooooo.......oh, oh....I think I get it...hmmmm...you mean to show up with Greg, some ideas, and our paintbrushes?.... hahahhah..... of course... send us the address....have paintbrush; will travel.... lol
Be ready to haul stuff home from every hardware and other shop in town!
I think August is "organization month" LOL!!! I just re-did my studio too. Yours looks FABULOUS!!! And I understand about Ikea, Bob build most of the furniture in our home too :)
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