Wednesday, January 29, 2014

This is the first day of the rest of the year....

... stitchery wise that is ....

I stitched.

Only a couple of web stitches .....literally.... two.......and a few French Knots....


I'm not.

I stitched.

I'm happy.

My pretty box worked a treat.....

And, it was cold and I put out some sunny yellow flowers.... ahhhhh....that's better.

Today, I'm stitching away on my pouch... you remember those blocks.....that originally were going to be a wrapping cloth..but, I re-purposed them... now they're gonna be ...a pouch!

It's tricky to stitch through many layers...just as Karen said it would be.  In some areas there were 4 layers.  And, ... it is difficult to stitch together the blocks in the middle of the pouch too ... so much more so than at the edges or sides.

I managed some running stitch on one or two loose blocks... and some French Knots here and there yes.... definitely some stitching happening...finally!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Vee,

Beautiful work, love the French knots and the yellow daisy and must be so nice doing that when it is cold outdoors.
I feel even guilty when I am on the computer and the sun is shinning outside.
Thanks for visiting me
happy day

deanna7trees said...

wonderful and so pretty.

Annie said...

It's a good start to your stitching year Vee. Love your yellow flowers cheery.
Annie x

Gwen Buchanan said...

ahhh, a little pouch, that sounds interesting!

Abi said...

So beautiful. So talented.

Karen said...

even completing a tiny bit of sewing does good...makes me happy. and I have a friend who lives in Portugal, should we go visit???

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Even a few stitches feeds the soul! Absolutely love your header picture, btw.

Shashi Nayagam said...

It is beautiful

ted and bunny said...

thankyou for your kind comment, it IS beautiful lace, full of holes- more than originally intended- and for the past 11-odd years its been my go-to background for photos. . .earned its keep a thousandfold!
Have a great weekend xx

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Lovely work! I love to see stitching of any type done. I've never been great at it so I sure admire anyone that is. Nice job!

Blessings, Edie Marie

Maria Vaz said...

Lovely work! Happy stitching for 2014 :)

Lin said...

I'm off to a slow start too. One of these days, I'm gonna finish the quilts I have started. I have the time now...just not the inclination.

Rhissanna said...

What a pretty beginning! White on white always looks so cool and clean.