Friday, January 10, 2014

Pampering or sheer pain?

Sheer alright ...actually shearing and other methods are easier.  I've had a bit of waxing done in the past... and it was pretty awful.  ANd, the first time I went with a friend who screamed into a pillow the whole time she was in the "treatment" room.  I was almost afraid to go in when it came to my turn.  It wasn't as bad as having to scream...but, honestly, who goes through this sort of thing regularly?  Plenty of folks I guess.  And, I do remember wishing one of my men patients who had a reeeellly hairy back would go for waxing when I was doing massage therapy.

But, ... who in their right mind wants to rip out people's hair on a daily basis for a living? ...especially in the nether regions?   What a job.  And I used to wonder if suctioning blood and slimy saliva was the worst... well, okay, maybe it was ...  and, then, don't even talk about having to change and clean out the suction bottles....acckkk@@ !!!   I don't think I could do it anymore.  My gag reflex has gotten worse over the years, not better......

Anyway, this was too funny to pass up.  Look what popped through the mail slot the other day..  only in Canada, eh?

Hopefully if you click on the photo you can read the fine print... if not let me's the best part...

On the other side it says to "get my glamorous self ready for a good pampering"! hah!  oh, yeh.... somebody's got a warped sense of humour.  I've been waxed before, babe...and it ain't anything like pampering!

I wonder if they serve shots with the Brazilian?  You'd need some sort of fortification for that one wouldn't ya?


Beedeebabee said...

OMG...I can't even imagine the pain of the "Brazilian". You ask if they serve shots for that about general anesthesia???

Vee, I can always count on you for a giggle or two! Happy new year, sweetie! xo

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Thank you for the laugh! I've never been waxed and have no intentions of starting either. Just the thought of it makes me cringe!

Jennifer Rose said...

lol! hmmm maybe its the type of person, who in a past life worked in a torture chamber?? :p

Sherry said...

Haha, so funny! I'm with you all the way.

Happy New Year to you too :)

Nan G said...

What a hoot! Thanks ROFLOL
Not as bad as you think, pain wise...or so I've been told. ;)

Twiglet said...

Ouch!! I wonder who seriously thought it was a good idea in the first place? I love the descriptions. Makes me think of my Friday post and the well stuffed drawers! x Jo

Mary Ann Tate said...

They do waxing at my hairdressers. They have this private room and every so often you'll hear a scream or two. Makes me cringe thinking about it.

sandy said...

Oh, not for me - i don't like pain. So glad you stopped by - it's been so long since I've visited past blog friends. I've made three moves in about four years. Life's been so busy!!

sandy said...

Oh, not for me - i don't like pain. So glad you stopped by - it's been so long since I've visited past blog friends. I've made three moves in about four years. Life's been so busy!!

Lin said...

I have never been waxed...eyebrows or otherwise. It just seems painful to me.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Quite the menu! Never tried waxing, I imagine it must be painful! Ouch!!! :)

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

What a great topic! I'm laughing that kind of laugh that's at someone else's expense! I've never had this done and no plans for it. The advertisement is hysterical. Can't even imagine the damage the Brazilian would cause. See if you wait long enough with age it starts just going away by itself LOL! That's what I'm talkin' about!!

Happy New Year!! hugs, Edie marie

BeadedTail said...

Hadn't heard of the others besides Brazillian so that was funny! Looks like it's set up for the pain tolerance levels!

Jester said...

Thanks for cheering my day, and thanks for visiting my blog.

karen said...

I couldn't agree more. I don't even pluck my eyebrows!! Who self inflicts pain for pleasure??? OK, don't answer that one but my daughter is a wax junkie. I don't get it, really I don't.and your comment was anything but redundant, thank you...x

Anonymous said...

Hi Vee
Just catchinng up with some blog-reading ...... sometimes life gets in the way of having fun. Many years ago, I bought DIY legwaxing strips. I stuck one on the front of both legs - and having finally managed to pull the first one off, I had to get Malcolm to pull off the second one, as I just couldn't inflict the pain on myself for a second time!!!!

Gwen Buchanan said...

Vee, you are the funniest!!!!

Abi said...
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Abi said...

Thanks for the laugh on the waxing!
Not so many thanks for my gag reflex almost coming into operation reading the delights of your past job... eek. LOL

Second attempt - Blogger keeps 'killing pages' whats that all about?

Shashi Nayagam said...

Thanks for the laugh I have inflicted myself with pain on the legs which is not bad but Brazilian or anything else I wouldn't even touch it with a barge pole:)