Here I've done tiny stab stitches

Here, a tiny running stitch along some silk edges..
They may, or may not, be finished with just the little utility stitching...but, I'll wait til I get all the blocks pieced to make more decisions on that.
All of a sudden.... Mr. BV was beside me .... holding something.... and saying he had "something that I could practice my utility stitching on" ....
I looked up from the fun stuff and discovered this ....
.....a button had totally broken in the centre and come off his slacks...... sigh....yep...that'd be utility all right.... right back to basics.
One of the few things that I could do for years.... stitch on buttons and hem slacks and dresses by hand...seeing as I didn't have a machine and...didn't know how to use one anyway..... some days I got lazy and took them to the cleaners and had them stitch hems...but, they got to be over $12 each pair and I got penurious.... especially when we were saving for this house.
Lovely:) I always stitch hems by hand anyway because I enjoy doing it.
There is true beauty in utility stitches, especially when they're used on something special.
Looks very pretty.
I like a bit of utility stitching - quite theraputic. x Jo
After I was given a sewing machine when I was 16, my mother never sewed another stitch, handing all mending jobs to me. It didn't matter that the work couldn't actually be done on the machine, now that I had a machine I coud do it!!
Looks pretty complicated to me but with a name like utility it must be important!
Mending is a dying art. I always wonder what my kids are gonna do when I'm dead and gone. I guess they are gonna either learn or pay to have buttons sewn on. Imagine that?! I can't.
your utility stitching has certainly brightened my day and I adore the green...
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