Thursday, January 10, 2013

It's a marshmallow world.. the winter......

and, especially today.

Look what happened overnight.

Temperatures dropped....and it snowed plenty of the fluffy white stuff!

Today there will also be shovelling for exercise along with 'treadmilling'...

I've got Tuscan Peasant Bread on the go....and now...I'm gonna bake an apple coffeecake.....a perfect day for that.


Jennifer Rose said...

o.0 i want snow, but maybe not that much :p

Norma Soulet (AZArtist) said...

Hi Vee Sweetie,
Wow love all the white fluffy snow!
So happy to hear you have been organizing and getting rid of stuff. I need to do that too especially here in my studio. Things have gotten out of hand! LOL
Today I had a wisdom tooth taken out. OUCH Had no room for it.
So the only thing I have had for lunch and dinner has been a protein drink! :(
So happy you didn't have any wonderful dessert posted on here because if so....I would have passed out! LOL


Lin said...

Dang! I'm JEALOUS!! We haven't had any snow yet this winter. :( It's like the worst year EVER for snow. Will you please send me some?

Twiglet said...

Lovely marshmallows!! You sound to have got back into the swing of things - the baking sounds delicious!! x Jo

Shashi Nayagam said...

Hope you stay warm and snug. Becareful of that shovelling not good for the back

Susan said...

lol, yes, they do look like marshmallows! Love the thought of apple coffeecake - yum. Will warm you up :D)