.... tomatoes are being used......

extra fiber is being added in the form of multi- grain flour....

which results in this yummy brekky ..... eggwhite omelet on Tuscan Peasant Bread....courtesy of Susan who had the link on her site the other day.
Up until only a few months ago I was still afraid to try baking bread. There are probably several reasons why and I'm not even going to get into the rest of them ... ..... but, one of the simplest?.... I was just afraid.... (although Sarah did make a point, and now I wonder if I should use the word intimidated instead) of yeast. Yep.... just one of those silly things. Yeastphobia I guess. But, in fact.... afraid of what? Failure? big deal....we all fail at lots of things all the time. Can't figure out why bread seemed such a monumental one but apparently, to me, it was.....
Then, as the story goes ... I began reading a blog belonging to a guy who was fairly new at some baking... he had even joined the Daring Bakers...then, all of a sudden he was getting a Kitchen Aid mixer .... making Yule Logs with all the icing and meringue mushrooms and everything!.. then it was on to specialty breads, and... well, that just did it! I'm not even sure why...but, for some reason, I figured if Lewis could do it.... why not me?
Now, I'm proud as punch with my new found ability... maybe I will even go so far as to use the word prowess. My loaves are pretty darn great if I say so myself. It's like being in a time warp when the aroma begins to waft through the house. Reminds me of a school friend's house. Barb's Mom baked all the time and it was amazing to walk into the heavenly smells coming from that small farmhouse kitchen.
It is still amazing to me to smell it here in my own kitchen.....to see a professional looking loaf in my oven...or on my countertop.....it makes me giggle or chortle right out loud and say congratulatory things to myself.... and it sure feels great to have finally jumped in and popped up swimming!
Now, if I just had enough nerve to really embarrass myself by showing my first attempt at trying to applique a Christmas tree onto a little stocking.... .... ohhhhh.... man....it is feeble... why can't that be as easy as baking bread?
Think I'll just go practice a bit more.....see ya.....
I want to come to your house for lunch :) I've got a Give Away at my blog. Please stop by.
My it looks near perfect Vee - the plastic bag should help a bit with the tough crust. Yummy lunch xo, S.
OK wait, I'm having a hard time here.
How old were you when you LEARNED TO RIDE A MOTORCYCLE???!!!
but you're afraid of......BREAD?
Something just doesn't add up!
Hahahhah..... that WAS funny Sarah.....
I guess it must be one of those things.... different meanings for the same word or something like that....... maybe "fear" wasn't quite the word I should have used... perhaps something more like... intimidation ??
What a great new skill Vee! Your bread looks delicious!
I can almost smell the aroma of baking bread from looking at your photo. I think that is one of the most wonderful smells in the world.
I loved reading this post since I feel this way much of the time about so many things. Guess you helped to put it into perspective for me. Bread? Perhaps I'll try baking some, too. I even own a bakers' stone.
Oh, I want to do that! I think I have yeastphobia too. I know that 10 years ago I didn't have it because I made all kinds of yeasty creations. I'm going to try something very soon. Since reading Susan's blog and seeing her occasional bread events, I've been tempted.Now your post sold me. I have Julia's big baking book, I'll look there.
And thanks, V, for visiting my blog today. Loved your comments. I answered on that last one.
Thank you for visiting my blog! That bread sure looks good! I'll be back to look at more of your blog.
Have a Blessed Evening,
While that is some beautiful looking loaves (glad you didnt bake buns...that would have made this uncomfortable). So pretty I would almost hate to eat it!
I should have given you a heads up re: defunk of other blog. Im just so busy with home & new job I figure Id stick to one blog.
Mmmmm... there is nothing like the smell of fresh baked bread, is there? That picture looks so good... I just stopped by your other blog and copied the recipe for scones- really can't wait to try them!
Vee.now I"m feeling kinda dim witted.I guess I got stoped in my dead zone .The one in my head.Now I remember the beautiful bears.I just got stuck on the food.I'm really very sorry I did that.At 57 I'm losing it.Oh well,anybody who gets lost on the interstate after traveling it for 40 yrs,has a right to fall back in the dead zone.Anywho.I love the little shell with the pictures and the pearl,also the mermaid.Its just gorgeous.Gotta love that Darly ,she's a sweetheart.Do you make Christmas bears? They are so cute.Hugs Marie Antionette
Don't you just love the smell of bread baking in the over! ... yumm!
Your loaf looks great and with the vine tomatoes, would be so nice for lunch.
I might need to go and make a loaf.
After reading your post today, you really made me think.
I too have had a fear of "failing" at bread making and even though it is something I love (to eat) I've never made my own.
The sad thing is that my father was at one time a baker in his youth. Over the years he has made the most wonderful bread and unfortunately he is too ill now to make it anymore. He has said to me several times, he wants to teach me and hand down his method to me. I have been afraid to fail and so haven't yet taken him up on this offer. Sadly, he continues to decline in health.
Your posting today has given me a new outlook on it all. You're right...we all fail once in awhile. That's is how we learn. I think I will talk with my father about coming up to his place to learn his recipe (it's all by hand measures and no measuring cups). If I don't...I know I will regret it.
Thanks Vee!
There is nothing quite as comforting as homemade bread! It looks like your endeavors were quite fruitful! Congratulations, you were successful in making a lovely loaf!
Ohhhh, how yummy!!!! :)
I'd love to say you're the Big Cheese but I know we're taking dough here so I can't mix metaphors.
Great job!!
Your bread does look gorgeous. I can imagine it tastes as good as it looks, my Mum used to make it once a week and we did look forward to it warm with strawberry jam, nothing nicer.
Hi Vee just stopped by to say hello,and see whats new with you.Hugs Marie Antionette
Nothing beats homemade bread...yum.
Susannah x
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