As soon as I unwrapped it, there she was.... ready to dive right on it ... roll around ...... trying to decide which suited her fancy. She is a woman, and therefore ... has not yet made up her mind.

So, ............on with some stuffing while we wait for the decision.
As many bears and dolls as I have made.. (although in reality it is not that many) ... I still can't get over how much stuffing goes into even the smallest one before it begins to take shape. sore my hands get.. I use hemostats to stuff and my thumb feels totally bruised after awhile... I really need to figure out something different. A stuffing stick or something. We are such silly creatures of habit sometimes. The first thing you try you stick with it. Regardless of how painful. @#$%

Trying to keep the wire inside the body straight was a bit tricky. It kept turning over in my hand as I was stuffing and attempting to keep it centered....twisting her body.. then she really did look like a fish. .. a bit sideways... but.. finally I got it.

Has she decided yet? They're all lovely little pieces of fur. I can see why she's having trouble.
You are incredibly talented! You must get such satisfaction from the process and the end results!
Your mermaids tail is looking gorgeous. She is going to be wonderful when you have finished her, I can't wait.
I have left you a little award over on my blog.
Whoo hoo - she's coming along swimmingly! Can't wait till she gets her head attached to her shoulders! Then she's really going to give you a hard time! Opinions, opinions, opinions.
Can't wait to see her finished! Her tail is beautiful!!
kari & kijsa
wow! She is coming long swimmingly. The scales on the til are outstnding. Cant wait to see her done!
No wonder she's rolling around in that's very nice. It's fun to see your creation take on a personality of her own.
I can't wait to see which fur your mermaid picks out! What a lucky girl she is, to have all this fur to roll around in and to choose from
Oops- I forgot my dog was logged in instead of me-LOL!
hahhaha.... oh, how I love it when doggies stop by to comment... thanks Isabella..and tx Linda too..
last few days Mr. BumbleVee has been dragging me from pillar to post looking for a smallish sofa table type thingy to put against the wall near the new chair.... I'm shopped out..but think we may have found a conversation piece...
go online to nursing supply places ( is one) and find hemastats that have better handles. If you have a good set of hemastats your hands should not hurt after hours of use....that's what they're made for after all.
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