Thursday, May 29, 2014

I'm participating... the Good Fences fun at The Run*A*Round Ranch.  Check it out.

Every Thursday people link up and post fences and gates.  There are some beauts.  After I link up, I'm off to check out fences....

Debbie forced my hand.  I mentioned that it's raining cats and dogs here and a paltry +6C with a gusting wind at about 30 kph...well, I didn't tell her about the wind actually ... and, she said...."get out there, girl" ...  Hhmpff   ...  obviously, she knew me.  I'm not sure if it's a challenge when folks do that to me ..or if I feel 'guilted' into it, or what.. ...either way, I just had to do it, didn't I?

Here's the little story.

We have had an unfenced yard for over 20 years... it's a bit like living in a fishbowl really.  Whenever I was out there mowing or weeding or just wandering around, neighbours would be driving or walking past and my arm got tired waving and I wasted a ton of time talking to them if they stopped.(some of them can talk forreevver).   It took a whole lot more time than it should have to tidy this yard.  Finally a year and a half ago we finished up renos on the house; did the outside and the yard, and then, decided on fencing it.  What fun!  Now we have our own little park area... and on the plus side, we don't have to see all the neighbour's "stuff"... and the falling down fences on the opposite side of the alleyway, and, the garbage on garbage day, and the myriad of sheds in the other neighbour's yard, etc..  It's beautiful...and, even in todays rainy gloom, it looks so pretty and green and clean.... and, my new crab-apple just happens to be in full bloom!

They probably don't exactly call this one a "Good neighbour" fence....but, it makes my neighbours look pretty good to me!  And, one guy across the alleyway tore his old thing down the following month and has since put up a lovely one much like this... c'mon, the rest of you neighbours, take note!


TexWisGirl said...

oh, i love your sweet patio area! and privacy makes for a very good fence!

thanks for linking in! 'purple debbie' is a pill, isn't she? :)

FAB said...

Always good to have your own private space.

Anonymous said...

Where we live now is the first place with no fences, a feature that immediately attracted my attention. But we live in an adult only community with rules and regulations so there's no dealing with the unsightliness as you did. Thanks for visiting my Do Not Enter post. And if it is raining cats and dogs where you live, be careful and don't step on a poodle.

Hootin Anni said...

Pretty photos!! Picture post card perfect.

I'm glad you stopped by to pay me a visit. You're always welcome to stop by...anytime.

Oh, And I perused your work....such talent!!!!!

Ileana said...

A great place to drink your morning coffee!

Gerald (SK14) said...

I do like that heavy table and chairs

marilyn said...

a great privacy fence...and looks super'll enjoy for a long time...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the last shot. So pretty with the blossom tree near the patio.

Gail Dixon said...

What a beautiful, peaceful area you've created. Love it!

Ida said...

Somehow I knew who the "Debbie" was, she has a way of doing that to people. Very persuasive.

Your fence looks great and that flowering tree is so pretty. I hear you about not wanting to see neighbors junk. My mom's next door neighbors have tons of junk in their yard, thank goodness there's a fence to block it out.

Gwen Buchanan said...

Great idea.. beautiful blooms. you are going to enjoy that yard.

RedPat said...

That looks like such a lovely spot!

Roan said...

There is no better fence than a privacy fence. Love your little park.

ellen b said...

Oh...that is very nice. I need a fence like this one...

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the patio. what a gorgeous spring bloom. lovely!! ( :

BeadedTail said...

What a lovely area to enjoy your yard in peace!

magnoliasntea said...

A privacy fence - good for you! I planted mine, but I had to wait forever for it do grow. Your garden is lovely and I especially love the pavers under your table. So nice.

Sue (this n that) said...

It looks beaut too - your own little spot outside, well done. The fence looks good too and is nice and sturdy :D)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm sure you will enjoy lots of time out there over the summer and in peace and quiet too.

Judys Lace Creations said...

Oh yes, fences are great!! I like yours.
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog.This week I've been even tireder than last week. Sorry I haven't replied to many people.

orchid0324 said...

Wow, such BEAUTIFUL patio for yourself♡♡♡ I LOVE the pretty blooming flower, as well!
So sorry for my a bit late comment, I was a little busy but catching up♪♪♪

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Suburban Girl said...

What a pretty vignette you created.

Judy said...

I love your patio and the ornate furniture, it's the perfect private place to enjoy your day.

Debbie said...

hehehe....i am an "encouraging spirit"....that's how i put it ;)

but how did others know, ummm, perhaps i have encouraged them as well!!

a great image!! well worth it...a picture and a bath all at the same time!!

Anonymous said...

That's my kind of fence! Where we lived before, the front gardens had no fences, and the neighbours' children thought that meant that they could just run through all the gardens. A very prickly hedge soon stopped them running across our garden!!

Lin said...

I LOVE my fence...except I get really frustrated with the neighbor behind me who stacks his sh*t up against our lovely (and expensive) wood fence. There is no easy way (and we have tried) to nicely ask them to stop doing it. We have...and they won't. Drives me crazy to the point of wanting to remove the damn thing entirely.

I hope you have better luck than we did.

EG CameraGirl said...

The fence makes your sitting area very appealing! The tree blossoms are lovely too.