Every Thursday people link up and post fences and gates. There are some beauts. After I link up, I'm off to check out fences....
Debbie forced my hand. I mentioned that it's raining cats and dogs here and a paltry +6C with a gusting wind at about 30 kph...well, I didn't tell her about the wind actually ... and, she said...."get out there, girl" ... Hhmpff ... obviously, she knew me. I'm not sure if it's a challenge when folks do that to me ..or if I feel 'guilted' into it, or what.. ...either way, I just had to do it, didn't I?
Here's the little story.
We have had an unfenced yard for over 20 years... it's a bit like living in a fishbowl really. Whenever I was out there mowing or weeding or just wandering around, neighbours would be driving or walking past and my arm got tired waving and I wasted a ton of time talking to them if they stopped.(some of them can talk forreevver). It took a whole lot more time than it should have to tidy this yard. Finally a year and a half ago we finished up renos on the house; did the outside and the yard, and then, decided on fencing it. What fun! Now we have our own little park area... and on the plus side, we don't have to see all the neighbour's "stuff"... and the falling down fences on the opposite side of the alleyway, and, the garbage on garbage day, and the myriad of sheds in the other neighbour's yard, etc.. It's beautiful...and, even in todays rainy gloom, it looks so pretty and green and clean.... and, my new crab-apple just happens to be in full bloom!
They probably don't exactly call this one a "Good neighbour" fence....but, it makes my neighbours look pretty good to me! And, one guy across the alleyway tore his old thing down the following month and has since put up a lovely one much like this... c'mon, the rest of you neighbours, take note!