... and, yes...I do have one of those as well..but I never seem to post there much anymore...shame, that.... must rectify it.
However, some of you know I was looking forward to doing our annual progressive dinner party with neighbours this past weekend...and that we were dismembering cucumbers and slathering phyllo and rolling dough for little turnovers. Well, if you didn't know...we were.
What fun we had. What food there was! And...our appetizers were delicious if I do say so myself ...and I do!
The cucumber roll ups with smoked salmon took a total of 3 full cucumbers. What a lot of waste. Has anybody ever used a mandolin and done cucumber slicing? Did you use English cucumbers...how did it work? It was an experiment all the way through really... 1/8" seemed too thick...but, less was too thin and they began to separate at the seeded part... then, the thicker ones are tricky to roll ...the toothpicks don't hold them together well...etc... but, they were tasty and fun and ...well, I may not bother again...hahhaha... what else can I try? It's kind of like the dolls and bears....movin' on to the next pattern....
Next, I made phyllo purses...with sundried tomato and Feta and spinach filling. Why is it one can never get quite the same results as are pictured ? And, I didn't dare leave them in the oven any longer as the tops were browning quickly...and tin foil on top would have reduced any more browning on the sides I am sure .....sigh...but, tasty? ....ever so!
I also made some tiny Tourtiere turnovers with a sour cream pastry. I didn't make Tortiere this year for Christmas as the oven was so delayed I had given up on being able to do it and didn't bother with buying ingredients.... like veal and pork....
But... for this I thought, why not make some bite size 'appies' instead of one big pie to cut. Oh, man... my back between the shoulder blades was on fire by the time I finished with all the fiddling ...cutting little circles of dough, pinching them all closed and pressing each with fork tines, slashing teeeny slits on each one and then baking them off in batches .... I needed a massage...and a cold compress for my aching head....a big glug of wine and a long nap!
Of course, on the day...I still had to make a sweet and sour sauce for dipping as well...because that's what somebunny's Mommy used to make for them when he ate them at home. Luckily I had already made some cranberry pear chutney last week ...... which is what I like with mine ...and I knew my one neighbour would be looking for that too...she loves it.
so, yep....it was a ton of work .... but, worth it. It was fun and lots of good food at each house.... all 5 of them! Ohhhh...we were stuffed by midnight!
ooops...forgot...we also made a pizza and sliced it in little squares. Deconstructed Artichoke Chicken pizza with cherry tomatoes...... check it out....mmmm..... with home made pizza dough..... the best, of course. Sorry.... I took a bite. Couldn't help myself. And, then...we totally forgot to take any more photos... and the table looked so pretty all set out too! Darn it.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
Share a smile Friday
You know how much I love little donkeys. You don't? But....but, ...... they are all over my sidebar..and I'm always saying about them...and sometimes I even hit you up for a donation.... you must know...
Today let me show you an older photo ... mostly because I don't have a modern one that will produce too many smiles...but, this...hahahha...don'tcha love it when animals look right into the camera lens... even sniff or smooch it? .... they always look so cute from this angle.
This was taken a few years ago when we visited a donkey farm in B.C. ..near where my sister lives.... I forget exactly how many they had ...but, dozens of them rushed over to visit with us. What fun! We scratched and petted them to our heart's content... and they loved the attention.
Why don't you pop over to Annie's blog and scroll through a few Smile posts .... it's actually quite a bit of fun. Also, it's clever in that it makes for a pretty easy post knowing what you will be doing each Friday. Especially today.... as I need to get on with making my mini Tortiere turnovers for tomorrow's party. Thanks Annie..... I'm off to check out a few and then...roll some dough...
Today let me show you an older photo ... mostly because I don't have a modern one that will produce too many smiles...but, this...hahahha...don'tcha love it when animals look right into the camera lens... even sniff or smooch it? .... they always look so cute from this angle.
This was taken a few years ago when we visited a donkey farm in B.C. ..near where my sister lives.... I forget exactly how many they had ...but, dozens of them rushed over to visit with us. What fun! We scratched and petted them to our heart's content... and they loved the attention.
Why don't you pop over to Annie's blog and scroll through a few Smile posts .... it's actually quite a bit of fun. Also, it's clever in that it makes for a pretty easy post knowing what you will be doing each Friday. Especially today.... as I need to get on with making my mini Tortiere turnovers for tomorrow's party. Thanks Annie..... I'm off to check out a few and then...roll some dough...
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
no cucumbers were killed in the process..
...but, a large portion of this one WAS totally injured and pretty much wrecked while I was experimenting with how to cut one if a person does not own a mandoline. BIG note on kitchen table. Must.Buy.Mandoline.
I used every size, shape and sharpness of knife, including bread knives...no go.... and, fingers were definitely at risk. Now, I do know that mandolins are dangerous as well if a person isn't careful...I used to own a plastic version and did almost take off the end of a finger...plus, I've seen it often enough on the food channel...yikes! Some of those people lose a lot of blood when they do silly things in their rush to get done.....
I did manage to get 4 not bad slices using my potato peeler ..but, would need a wider one to get better results...and even then, can only do about that many slices before my nails were being peeled right along with the cuke.
However, my (4 only) cute little tasty roll ups were a hit... Mr. BV scoffed them the minute he saw them, and declared them wonderful. Now... to get me that mandoline before the dinner party on Saturday. You would think I never do anything like entertain or have a 'part' in a party.... well, actually, you'd be right ... we never do. So...yes...it is a big deal. To us. And, I need to make plenty more than 4....
This is our second annual progressive party with our neighbours. There will be 5 couples and therefore 5 courses. I hope it all goes the same as last year and that we all have just as much fun as we did last year as well... and...the fooooood!! Ohh... wow! .. everybody really made exceptional effort with the food.....
Here are my cute little dilled cream cheese roll ups with tiny bits of black olive, sun dried tomato and ham... ...
I used every size, shape and sharpness of knife, including bread knives...no go.... and, fingers were definitely at risk. Now, I do know that mandolins are dangerous as well if a person isn't careful...I used to own a plastic version and did almost take off the end of a finger...plus, I've seen it often enough on the food channel...yikes! Some of those people lose a lot of blood when they do silly things in their rush to get done.....
I did manage to get 4 not bad slices using my potato peeler ..but, would need a wider one to get better results...and even then, can only do about that many slices before my nails were being peeled right along with the cuke.
However, my (4 only) cute little tasty roll ups were a hit... Mr. BV scoffed them the minute he saw them, and declared them wonderful. Now... to get me that mandoline before the dinner party on Saturday. You would think I never do anything like entertain or have a 'part' in a party.... well, actually, you'd be right ... we never do. So...yes...it is a big deal. To us. And, I need to make plenty more than 4....
This is our second annual progressive party with our neighbours. There will be 5 couples and therefore 5 courses. I hope it all goes the same as last year and that we all have just as much fun as we did last year as well... and...the fooooood!! Ohh... wow! .. everybody really made exceptional effort with the food.....
Here are my cute little dilled cream cheese roll ups with tiny bits of black olive, sun dried tomato and ham... ...
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
a dinosaur? ..
Why the mohair critters all look so strange before turning is a mystery. My bear heads all look like alligators to me ...and this ...which is a little lady goosie.... looks like some prehistoric monster from the lost lagoon or something.... well, maybe if I squint real hard, it does resemble a chicken ..or a goose... sorta.
The dining room table has become my play table.... seeing as I still don't have my hobby room organized or the big table in there tidied and cleared of unpacked boxes of 'stuff'. Time for a major purge.
A rather strange assortment of tools, odds and ends I know....but, that seems to be how it is continuing with me. Just still not organized. The hammer is waiting for somebody to us hanging pictures.... which are still leaning against walls or pieces of furniture.......
Those little balls of wool.... my sister found them at a fair in the fall and thought maybe I could use them for something.... they don't appear to be felted as much as just rolled together somehow ... very soft and lightly gathered...
Any suggestions? ...
Monday, January 21, 2013
Shrunken heads.

My marshmallowy snow topped flower pots turned into what look like shrunken heads. Ohhh....terrible.
I so prefer the marshmallow look. Soft and yummy....
The yard looks awful now.. some melting took place because we had some Chinook-y days... all sorts of nasty, unfinished things are lying naked and exposed. Temperatures warmed up to plus numbers...even as high as +10C and then..it dropped again.. to the minus numbers and soooo... there are icy skating rinks all over the place. Our subdivision streets are totally treacherous! Not going out there ..so it is the treadmill again for me... well, actually I do it 'til spring when I know the roads and sidewalks are much safer. No point being silly about that! I saw my much younger neighbour do a cartoon like activity on his the other day... luckily, or maybe not so very lucky.. (I bet he hurts all over today) ..he spun out ..feet going in all directions; but managed to right himself as one knee was bent all funny and his ice breaking tool hit the ground and stopped his fall...but, wow... that arm holding it, and the poor leg with that bent knee...oooooh..... not nice....
Maggi and I began a little goose made of mohair last week... first little guy...well, lady actually.... she will even have a cape and bonnet.... of the New Year. We hope to continue this Wednesday...but, we'll see. The Second Annual Neighbourhood Progressive dinner is this coming Saturday...and we have the Appetizers...so I must make goodies this week... and/or may be totally in panic mode by Wednesday and then I will have to opt out on playing with fun stuff til the following week. We'll see.
If I get the little phyllo purses made today..as planned..hopefully I can play with mohair by mid-week.
I'll get a photo later of the WIP .....
Hopefully this blog will be back to making and doing fun stuff this year... ....although, having said that .... the stupid cabinet company ... named Legacy, is refusing to even return our calls and those of our contractor. And when they do... they have no answers for us about any of what is happening. I fervently hope anybody living in Calgary who reads this does not use them and tells everybody they know about their ridiculous lack of caring for customers, their lack of business sense and their total ineptness in actually building cabinetry..... so that nobody has to go through what we are going through with this company. They still have not made any effort at finishing off our microwave opening...the third attempt; the dishwasher panel; also the third attempt at getting the correct size; or the fridge panels whose screws are almost poking through them because they indented panels on the back of them and should not have built them that way for attaching to the built-in fridge (there are very detailed, specific instructions and diagrams to be followed as outlined in the installation Guide, which they have had for months) ... but, now they want to just repair things which have not been built to specifications... . I'm not sure how that would be attempted ... . and...the drawer front next to the oven which has 1/2 inch insets on the panel instead of 1/4 inch insets like all the other drawer and cupboard fronts in the whole kitchen .... ...The oven is now actually in position and working, thankfully, so at least I can do my other hobby....baking! I am trying to stay calm... because it is the only way I will make it through the end of the renovation project, whenever that might be, without injuring somebody or breaking something.....
If I had any money left I would begin a lawsuit for breach of contract .... because they have been for months now.... but, what good would it do? ... only the lawyers would get anything out of it I'm sure ....
maybe perseverance will pay off......
Friday, January 18, 2013
Share a smile Friday
"Why is it always me? Huh? ....Why do I ...okay, ..."we", have to sit with our bums plonked in the snow and smile? ...HuH? Why? Tell me that...."
"I dunno for sure ....I heard something about trying to bring smiles to lots of faces, or something like that... I think......"
"So, keep that big smile going Elmo.... and show her your good side."
"Show her my good side? What are you talking about? My backside is frozen to this drift and I can't move now...."
"Oh, Fa la la la la lalala ... and cheeeeeeseeeeeee !! and maybe a miniature reindeer cookie for you Buddy...." ... maybe...... if ya help me get outta here.....
How would you like to join in and share a smile? .... check out Annie's blog ... see what's happening....
"I dunno for sure ....I heard something about trying to bring smiles to lots of faces, or something like that... I think......"
"So, keep that big smile going Elmo.... and show her your good side."
"Show her my good side? What are you talking about? My backside is frozen to this drift and I can't move now...."
"Oh, Fa la la la la lalala ... and cheeeeeeseeeeeee !! and maybe a miniature reindeer cookie for you Buddy...." ... maybe...... if ya help me get outta here.....
How would you like to join in and share a smile? .... check out Annie's blog ... see what's happening....
Monday, January 14, 2013
Celebrate "Christmas"....
Now I can.... all year round@!
This little guy was born on Christmas morning at the Primrose Donkey Sanctuary .... the sanctuary I like to support even though it is miles away at the other end of the country. Sheila sent me his photo and I took a pic of the picture so you could see him too.
A tiny "Jack" as they call them.... and ....they named him Christmas. Isn't he cute? In his tiny coat.... awww....
I haven't been to the blog or the Facebook site yet ...but, she says they are on there as well... I'll check it out tomorrow... just want to get a pic and a blurb on here tonight before I head for bed....
You can see a photo of Sheila (and some of the donkeys) on my sidebar. She only has a small acreage, but what a huge heart. She rescues and saves donkeys (and other animals too) from abusive and neglectful situations ... she has even bought some from auctions... she wants to save every animal that she hears about that is in trouble or needs help...but, who can do that? Dear Sheila... she's giving it her all that's for sure.... she and a small army of wonderful volunteers.
When I got the photo and my little card... it made me feel like an "auntie" ....I wish I lived closer so I could go and see the new little guy..
This little guy was born on Christmas morning at the Primrose Donkey Sanctuary .... the sanctuary I like to support even though it is miles away at the other end of the country. Sheila sent me his photo and I took a pic of the picture so you could see him too.
A tiny "Jack" as they call them.... and ....they named him Christmas. Isn't he cute? In his tiny coat.... awww....
I haven't been to the blog or the Facebook site yet ...but, she says they are on there as well... I'll check it out tomorrow... just want to get a pic and a blurb on here tonight before I head for bed....
You can see a photo of Sheila (and some of the donkeys) on my sidebar. She only has a small acreage, but what a huge heart. She rescues and saves donkeys (and other animals too) from abusive and neglectful situations ... she has even bought some from auctions... she wants to save every animal that she hears about that is in trouble or needs help...but, who can do that? Dear Sheila... she's giving it her all that's for sure.... she and a small army of wonderful volunteers.
When I got the photo and my little card... it made me feel like an "auntie" ....I wish I lived closer so I could go and see the new little guy..
Baby Christmas,
baby donkey,
Primrose Donkey Sanctuary
Sunday, January 13, 2013
"Are you the 'bluebird of happiness' "?
Uhm...."let me think"............................
But, I could be the little bird of "mehhh....it's not so bad"....
At least the sun is shining ...
the skies are blue.....
There is definitely plenty of snow now...but, it is all so pretty when it is new and fluffy and clean ... all sparkly in the sunshine.......
Uhm...."let me think"............................
But, I could be the little bird of "mehhh....it's not so bad"....
At least the sun is shining ...
the skies are blue.....
There is definitely plenty of snow now...but, it is all so pretty when it is new and fluffy and clean ... all sparkly in the sunshine.......
Thursday, January 10, 2013
It's a marshmallow world..
...in the winter......
and, especially today.
Look what happened overnight.
Temperatures dropped....and it snowed plenty of the fluffy white stuff!
Today there will also be shovelling for exercise along with 'treadmilling'...
I've got Tuscan Peasant Bread on the go....and now...I'm gonna bake an apple coffeecake.....a perfect day for that.
and, especially today.
Look what happened overnight.
Temperatures dropped....and it snowed plenty of the fluffy white stuff!
Today there will also be shovelling for exercise along with 'treadmilling'...
I've got Tuscan Peasant Bread on the go....and now...I'm gonna bake an apple coffeecake.....a perfect day for that.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
I am semi-ruthless....
..... got rid of 4 big boxes of stuff that the Diabetes Society was happy to collect.....and one box of interesting stuff for a friend and her friends to go through... with some crafty stuff, etc., in it.
So... it continues....
Christmas is almost put away. How I hate to take down the tree ... and pack away all the little guys.
My exercise room is almost totally cleared of boxes and extra stuff. Just two dismantled cabinets still to move out ... or hang somewhere or use in the storage space. Which, by the way is coming along nicely.
Yah, yah...I know...it still looks a bit crowded and some of that is yet to be unpacked from the move down here in July before the reno...and then...I move things around a bit ..like a Rubic's cube ...et voila....... soon it is organized and tidy looking. Well, not quite that simple...but, you know what I mean.
Today I had fun instead though... and...tomorrow, Mr. BV's brother is in town...so no time to tidy. Must bake and cook. ... after I find time to treadmill and do some laundry... Hmmm....what'll I make 'em for supper?
So... it continues....
Christmas is almost put away. How I hate to take down the tree ... and pack away all the little guys.
My exercise room is almost totally cleared of boxes and extra stuff. Just two dismantled cabinets still to move out ... or hang somewhere or use in the storage space. Which, by the way is coming along nicely.
Yah, yah...I know...it still looks a bit crowded and some of that is yet to be unpacked from the move down here in July before the reno...and then...I move things around a bit ..like a Rubic's cube ...et voila....... soon it is organized and tidy looking. Well, not quite that simple...but, you know what I mean.
Today I had fun instead though... and...tomorrow, Mr. BV's brother is in town...so no time to tidy. Must bake and cook. ... after I find time to treadmill and do some laundry... Hmmm....what'll I make 'em for supper?
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Ruthless people....
How I wish I was one of them... (or is that "wish I were" ?..I never know on was and were)
Anyway.... I'm purging and organizing ...as I usually do the first week in January every year. It's a New Year ritual with me. I did mention to somebody that I'm being ruthless....but, who am I kidding? I am probably more like a hoarder. Well, not a reeeellly bad one..but you know...keep too much stuff. Especially crafting stuff. Because... well, I may need it tomorrow and then, I will have tossed it today... and then, I'm off to Michael's to buy a new one. You know the drill. So, somehow I just organize it a bit better..it takes up less space.
"""I'm keeping my bauble Mom....so forget tossing it..""" And, don't event think about getting rid of the extra sleighs... you can make riders for them ... """"
And, ....I managed to find the treadmill. Yup. And, you know the saying, what's been seen cannot be unseen. In my case... that includes my exercise buddy. I began walking on it yesterday ...that felt great ..... and will continue pretty much daily now that I can see it, even if it is still surrounded by lots of boxes; empty and full. They will be gone by tomorrow. Absolutely. Packed or tossed. I'll have room then for stretching and other hopping about as I get my regular routines down pat once again. Even the tv is back on the wall.... something to occupy me while I walk and stretch...
So, hardly time to blog right now. .. because when I have it..... good energy must be used cleverly. It is still snowy and slippery outside in many places... and I ain't going out walking to try to get up enough speed to make it count as exercise. Ever since my sister fell on some ice and sustained a horrible concussion, resulting in residual brain damage, I've used my treadmill all winter. I love it. Don't even have to put on my 'eyes' or get dressed up or anything.... just hop on and get busy walking. To my way of thinking it's the perfect answer.
.....today I'm working on the Christmas decorations. Finding better boxes ... some smaller and some longer and will make it all fit better in the storage space. Although, I am spoiled in the big storage space department...and it all fits. I just like to have it sort of arranged so I can see things and know where to put a finger on what I want; when I want it.
""" Oh, no ya don't !! We demand to be allowed to play with the fun stuff all year ... don't you dare throw them out or even pack them with the Christmas stuff..""" !!
Now...to get Mr. BV and his stuff organized.... probably won't have an better luck than I am with the other 'residents'.... sigh.... I feel kinda outnumbered around here some days. Make that most days.
Anyway.... I'm purging and organizing ...as I usually do the first week in January every year. It's a New Year ritual with me. I did mention to somebody that I'm being ruthless....but, who am I kidding? I am probably more like a hoarder. Well, not a reeeellly bad one..but you know...keep too much stuff. Especially crafting stuff. Because... well, I may need it tomorrow and then, I will have tossed it today... and then, I'm off to Michael's to buy a new one. You know the drill. So, somehow I just organize it a bit better..it takes up less space.
"""I'm keeping my bauble Mom....so forget tossing it..""" And, don't event think about getting rid of the extra sleighs... you can make riders for them ... """"
And, ....I managed to find the treadmill. Yup. And, you know the saying, what's been seen cannot be unseen. In my case... that includes my exercise buddy. I began walking on it yesterday ...that felt great ..... and will continue pretty much daily now that I can see it, even if it is still surrounded by lots of boxes; empty and full. They will be gone by tomorrow. Absolutely. Packed or tossed. I'll have room then for stretching and other hopping about as I get my regular routines down pat once again. Even the tv is back on the wall.... something to occupy me while I walk and stretch...
So, hardly time to blog right now. .. because when I have it..... good energy must be used cleverly. It is still snowy and slippery outside in many places... and I ain't going out walking to try to get up enough speed to make it count as exercise. Ever since my sister fell on some ice and sustained a horrible concussion, resulting in residual brain damage, I've used my treadmill all winter. I love it. Don't even have to put on my 'eyes' or get dressed up or anything.... just hop on and get busy walking. To my way of thinking it's the perfect answer.
.....today I'm working on the Christmas decorations. Finding better boxes ... some smaller and some longer and will make it all fit better in the storage space. Although, I am spoiled in the big storage space department...and it all fits. I just like to have it sort of arranged so I can see things and know where to put a finger on what I want; when I want it.
""" Oh, no ya don't !! We demand to be allowed to play with the fun stuff all year ... don't you dare throw them out or even pack them with the Christmas stuff..""" !!
Now...to get Mr. BV and his stuff organized.... probably won't have an better luck than I am with the other 'residents'.... sigh.... I feel kinda outnumbered around here some days. Make that most days.
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